President Brandon, while attempting to give a speech about health care for veterans, a worthy cause, undid whatever goodwill might have been directed toward him by the speech when he made a very, very cringe joke about the three congressmen with him.
Watch him tell that joke here:
Joe Biden: “The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.” pic.twitter.com/UtQXRng6wx
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 8, 2022
Speaking about the two African-American congressmen present for the speech, he said they “look like they did and could play ball” and, speaking about the “other one,” said he “looks like he can bomb you.”
Yes, he really said that, which is hard to imagine. Or, at least it would be hard to imagine if he weren’t so gaffe-prone.
Now, to be fair, Biden almost certainly wasn’t trying to be that thing leftists hate the most (racist). The two black Congressmen do look athletic and the “other guy,” Congressman Ellzey, was a Navy fighter pilot who fought in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
So Biden was very likely just trying to compliment the three congressmen, saying that two were athletic and the third was a brave Navy pilot that had bombed terrorists.
But his word choice, as usual, was lacking, so what could have been a funny joke or nice compliment because very, very cringeworthy, particularly if you don’t know that Congressman Ellzey used to be a naval aviator that could and did actually bomb people in the Middle East.
Regardless, the rest of the speech seemed to go relatively well for a Biden speech, with the president staying on topic and focusing on something important and manageable: taking care of veterans, particularly the ones who were given cancer by the burn pits in Iraq. As Fox4 reported about it:
Biden spoke for about 20 minutes after a tour of a VA facility in Fort Worth, and said there are efforts his administration is taking to combat an alarming rate of suicide among veterans.
He spoke of adding nine additional respiratory cancers to the list of illnesses within veteran’s health care coverage.
That is in response to scientific research highlighting a possible link between the conditions and toxic fumes from so-called “burn pits,” a common practice for troops to discard of waste while deployed during combat missions.
Speaking about those pits and the veterans affected by them, Biden said “we owe you” after giving a message of hope to those most affected and previously ignored by the government, saying:
“We are following the science in every case. We’re not going to let our veterans suffer in limbo for decades. Even if the science is evenly divided, when the evidence doesn’t give a clear answer, the decision should be caring for our veterans while we continue to learn more, not waiting, not waiting.”
Were Biden not always putting his foot in his mouth, it probably would have been a pretty good speech and event. But, because the gaffe-prone geezer had to try a joke, it’ll be remembered as quite cringeworthy.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics