Lindsey Graham occasionally presents himself as a conservative with a backbone a laughable lie to anyone who has kept up with him over time; he might occasionally say the right things when doing so is politically safe, but he’s far, far from being a rock-ribbed conservative.
Well, he proved that yet again, releasing a video on TikTok in which he praises Joe Biden. Watch it here:
“If you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person.. you’ve got a problem and you need to do some self-evaluation, ’cause what’s not to like? He’s the nicest person I think I’ve ever met in politics. He is as good a man as God ever created.”
“If you can’t admire Joe Biden as a person.. you’ve got a problem and you need to do some self-evaluation, ’cause what’s not to like? He’s the nicest person I think I’ve ever met in politics. He is as good a man as God ever created.”
– Lindsey Grahampic.twitter.com/wEBmlNI1lx
— Cari Kelemen 2.0 (@CariKelemen) March 9, 2022
“As good a man as God ever created.” Really, Lindsey? Biden, the pro-abortion leftist that chose a US Supreme Court justice based on her skin color and melanin, the guy that might have sexually assaulted Tara Reade and slandered Justice Clarence Thomas, he’s as good a man as any? Doubtful.
Further, if Lindsey is on the opposite side of Biden, why release the video? Biden is a liberal radical who is wreaking havoc on America’s economy, causing disaster abroad, and empowering the left to keep pushing radical policies on the American populace.
Releasing videos like this only gives the leftist media the ability to cover for Biden by saying “see, even conservatives like Lindsey Graham admit that Biden is a good guy, everyone who won’t say so is a radical right-winger!”
Well, those who saw the video were quick to criticize Lindsey.
Why South Carolina keeps electing his man, is beyond me…
Why South Carolina keeps electing his man, is beyond me…
— b07rivera (@ManyPeregrine81) March 10, 2022
Why does he look like he’s going to cry? Why does he sound like he’s going to cry? Weird. #PrimaryRINOs
Why does he look like he’s going to cry? Why does he sound like he’s going to cry? Weird. #PrimaryRINOs
— murt32
Pray for the people. (@murt32_1943) March 10, 2022
One the most biggest lying RONOS that exist.
One the most biggest lying RONOS that exist.
— TheGentleMan (@djarrel) March 10, 2022
“What’s not to like?” We can start here:
“What’s not to like?”
We can start here: pic.twitter.com/i4lrPlNXvw
— jnas20 (@jnas2081) March 10, 2022
Never forget pic.twitter.com/VCigaOHdF4
— Rafael Matos (@RafaelMatos316) March 10, 2022
All these Republicucks think history will remember them as “gentlemen” and “statemen” but they will really be remembered as cucks.
All these Republicucks think history will remember them as “gentlemen” and “statemen” but they will really be remembered as cucks.
— SuccessAndCulture (@bthomasBooks) March 10, 2022
Who cares if he is nice or not? He is completely incompetent and is destroying our nation. I would prefer a few mean tweets to open borders, inflation, giving weapons to the Taliban and rapidly increasing energy prices.
Who cares if he is nice or not? He is completely incompetent and is destroying our nation. I would prefer a few mean tweets to open borders, inflation, giving weapons to the Taliban and rapidly increasing energy prices.
— G_Kraig (@g_kraig) March 10, 2022
I find Lindsey Graham disgusting.
I find Lindsey Graham disgusting.
— Trump won 2020.Will Win 2024. (@MusembiWavinya) March 10, 2022
Aaah… The mighty Rino.. in it’s native habitat. Grazing grazing grazing till fat. With no natural predators. The mighty Rino flourishes unabated.. grazing till there’s no grass left….
Aaah… The mighty Rino.. in it’s native habitat. Grazing grazing grazing till fat. With no natural predators. The mighty Rino flourishes unabated.. grazing till there’s no grass left….
— Jazzpuppy (@Jazzpuppy3) March 10, 2022
Never liked Lindsey. Fair weather friend.
Never liked Lindsey. Fair weather friend.
— Rhonda Asher (@RhondaAsherArt) March 10, 2022
And if you cant see that Lindsey Graham is a complete bought and paid for POS, then you need to do some self-evaluation.
And if you cant see that Lindsey Graham is a complete bought and paid for POS, then you need to do some self-evaluation. https://t.co/T0kwVQO7IT
— Mark Ebarb (@mebarb01) March 10, 2022
Hey @LindseyGrahamSC this tells us everything we need to know about you. #RINO you’re an embodiment of everything wrong with the @GOP right now. Oh and #FJB
Hey @LindseyGrahamSC this tells us everything we need to know about you. #RINO you’re an embodiment of everything wrong with the @GOP right now.
Oh and #FJB https://t.co/nj0lj1w23Y
— Scott Bales (@duckmansasylum) March 10, 2022
This is as fake a Republican as Hell ever created.
This is as fake a Republican as Hell ever created. https://t.co/pwQxgDtgxh
— Cody Libolt (@CodyLibolt) March 10, 2022
If you didn’t know Graham is a sleazy self serving politician here you go. Birds of a feather flock together
If you didn’t know Graham is a sleazy self serving politician here you go. Birds of a feather flock together https://t.co/fKXrf2GXSJ
— Lynn Zaleski
(@LynnArizonaAF) March 10, 2022
We have serious problems in this country, and guys like this are one of them.
We have serious problems in this country, and guys like this are one of them. https://t.co/ZnViOJUtF9
— Iron Crow (@IronCrow63) March 10, 2022
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative