Are Democrats excited about the upcoming 2022 midterms, a chance to secure their power by expanding their lead in the House and pushing past the deadlock in the Senate?
No, no they are not. According to a not-so-shocking report from the New York Times, they have low expectations for the midterms and are “bracing for big losses.”
What is shocking, however, is that they’re supposedly looking to President Brandon to rescue them. In its words:
Democrats are toiling to retool their message and refocus their agenda. They are worried that the accomplishments they helped deliver to Mr. Biden are being drowned out by concern over the rising price of gas and a focus on their legislative failures.
And they are looking to Mr. Biden, who is to address them at the retreat on Friday, to help them reframe the conversation.
Gone is the talk of a transformative agenda to remake the country’s social safety net that was once going to be the centerpiece of Democrats’ sales pitch to voters. The words “Build Back Better” were all but forbidden among the groggy lawmakers who arrived after only a few hours of sleep.
Problem is, Biden is the one who got them into this mess. All he had to do to stay relatively popular with Democrats and Independents was a) not be Trump and b) not be a far-left radical.
He accomplished a) quite well, but b) was a bit of a disaster; from canceling Keystone to pulling troops out of Afghanistan in what was little more than a rout, he’s proven himself an incompetent radical.
Yet worse, during the Democrat Issues Conference, Biden didn’t have a message of hope or plan of action. Instead, he had only a warning. In his words:
This off-year election, in my view, may be the most important off-year election in modern history. Because we know what happens: We know the fundamental change that shifts if we lose the House and the Senate. The only thing I’ll have then is a veto pen.
He also called vaguely for the same enthusiasm as in 2020, saying (but not giving a reason for enthusiasm other than fear):
If we don’t do that, don’t do that, it’s going to be a sad, sad two years. Think about Republicans if they controlled the Congress these last two years.”
Then he went completely off the rails during the winter meeting, bizarrely claiming that his unpopular agenda is somehow popular and saying:
“I believe we have a record to be incredibly proud of … a message that resonates: Build a better America. Now we have to do the work.
“Now what we have to do is we have to sell it with confidence, clarity, conviction and repetition.”
If it’s so popular, then why are voters ditching his party in droves? That he didn’t answer. Shocker.
So, if Democrats are to be realistically rallied and rejuvenated, they might need someone other than Slow Joe to do it.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics