Did celebrities handle Trump’s 2016 election victory well? No, no they didn’t. In fact, many of them went positively postal, freaking out after learning that many Americans didn’t agree with the Hollywood elite on political issues.
One such looney leftist celebrity is seriously unfunny comedian Amy Schumer. She, in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, says that Trump’s election left her “totally depressed and without anything helpful to say” in her sketch series, Inside Amy Schumer.
Why she wanted to say something “helpful” rather than “funny” is left unsaid, but is probably the reason that her popularity has plummetted; her brand of preachy “comedy” is more appropriate for a leftist campus poetry slam than an arena full of people expecting actually funny comedy rather than a rant about the patriarchy or bad orange man.
In any case, Schumer also took the interview opportunity to perform the ritual flagellation expected of every celebrity that has one said something that is currently viewed as non-PC. In the words of the Hollywood Reporter:
there’s plenty in her past that makes her cringe. “I’m disgusted with some of my old material,” she says, citing one joke in particular about Black people not being able to swim. It was after reading Isabel Wilkerson’s Caste that she better understood its racist roots. She has “so much undoing to do,” she admits, and she’s been busy educating herself to be a better ally — a process that entailed participating in Black Lives Matter vigils and workshops every day for six months following the murder of George Floyd.
Despite the humiliating self-flagellation, Amy has seen her popularity shrink over recent years as the audience grew tired of her…general unpleasantness and general inability to tell a funny joke. As the Hollywood Reporter notes:
In recent years, Schumer has watched her venues shrink from 15,000-person arenas to 5,000-seat theaters and has been pilloried from all corners of the internet.
Unfortunately, the lesson doesn’t seem to have been learned, as she’s sticking to that previously failed strategy for her new show, as the Hollywood Reporter says:
now, after a prolonged period of hibernation (at least by her standards), she’s reemerging with a deeply personal Hulu series, Life & Beth, that she’s written, directed and stars in, dropping March 18, and the Oscars, which she’s been tapped to co-host, a week later. She has no intention of quieting down.
“She’s really, really, ridiculously honest, and she’s fearless,” says her friend and mentor Chris Rock. “She’s also as funny as any person walking the earth.”
Chris Rock must have fried his brain; anyone who thinks Amy Schumer is “as funny as any person walking the earth” is as dumb as she is unfunny.
Regardless, it all began with Trump; like many other looney leftist celebrities she appears to have absolutely lost it after the bad orange man won in 2016, requiring a “long hibernation” due to her being “totally depressed.” I, for one, can’t wait to see what happens after he wins in 2024. It’ll sure be funnier than any joke she tells.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics