Trump’s rally in Florence, South Carolina was quite the success, particularly from a creating quotable quotes perspective. He blasted Biden as “physically and mentally unfit,” tore into two RINOs and boosted their competitors, and even came out with a plan to bring the Deep State to heel.
But that wasn’t all. He also shredded the Biden presidency for its many failures, going over the litany of disasters that Biden has presided over in his one year in the White House.
Speaking on that, Trump first described Brandon’s presidency as “one train wreck after another, saying:
“The past year we’ve watched in horror as everything Joe Biden touches turns into a calamity and a total disaster. It’s one train wreck after another.”
Then, ripping Biden’s weakness abroad, particularly in Afghanistan, and saying that that weakness emboldened Vladimir Putin, Trump said
“The stench of the Biden administration stretches all over the globe. He disgraced our nation with a humiliating surrender in Afghanistan; there has never been a lower point in the history of our country.”
Continuing on that takedown of Biden’s weakness and emphasizing how Biden’s presidency differs from his, Trump said:
“We had peace through strength. That’s what it was. Our country was safe and the world was calm because America was strong, and they respected our leadership. And America was always a place that I put before everybody else. It was always America first. Very simple.”
“The fake news said my personality would get us into a war: ‘I’m telling you, that guy is going to get us into a war.’ But, actually, my personality is what kept us out of war. I was the only president in nearly four decades who did not get America into any new conflicts instead. I brought our troops and our wonderful children back home. I brought them back home where they belong. Under Joe Biden, America’s neither feared nor respected. There has never been a time where our country has been treated the way it is right now.”
He then continued his takedown of Team Biden and what has been spawned by it’s weakness, saying:
“Other countries are lecturing us and telling us what to do, and that’s why we are seeing chaos and mayhem and bloodshed all over the world. Never been a time like it.
“Well, we need to help stop this brutal invasion. We also have to clean out the rot of our failed foreign policy establishment. It is indeed rotten to the core. Before these total lunatics lead us down the path to World War III. They will do it too. We have to continue to drain the swamp. We did a lot of it, but the swamp was deep, deeper than anybody believed.”
The solution to all those problems, the way America can get back in its groove and start winning again? By Republicans taking back power in 2022 and 2024. In Trump’s words:
“This is the year we are going to take back the House; we are going to take back the Senate, and we are going to take back America – and in 2024, we are going to take back that beautiful, beautiful White House. I wonder who will do that? I wonder.”
Indeed. Biden has been a disaster. We need real leadership again.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics