What’s Biden doing to try and rebuild America’s oil supply now that America has been cut off from Russian oil?
He’s not unleashing American oil producers, letting them flood the market with American crude to drive prices down and American profits up.
Nope, Team Biden is looking into buying oil from Iran and Venezuela, two of our biggest enemies, instead. Why’s he choosing terrorists over Texas? That’s not clear. But DeSantis slammed it in a recent statement, brilliantly pointing out the delusion in an epic statement.
DeSantis led off by highlighting that those who fled the vicious Venezuelan regime are furious that Biden is wanting to buy oil from dictators, saying:
“We have a number of Venezuelan Americans, who, like many Americans and, I know, a lot of Floridians, are very angered by the Biden administration’s recent attempt to legitimize the brutal Maduro regime in Venezuela.”
Then, noting that Biden didn’t “lift a finger to help” the pro-democracy protesters in Cuba, DeSantis ripped Biden for funding a dictator and “thumbing his nose” at those that escaped that dictator, saying:
“This is something that has unfortunately become part of a pattern with the Biden administration. I think if you look at people throughout south Florida that have connections in different countries in the Western Hemisphere, what we see from the Biden administration is basically thumbing their nose at millions of people here in our state…And now, to go in … legitimizing Nicolas Maduro, who’s been responsible for a lot of atrocities and has driven that country into the ground, along with, of course, his predecessor Hugo Chavez — so we are here to speak out about that.”
Turning from what Biden’s doing to what should be happening, DeSantis garnered lots of applause by calling for common-sense: American energy independence, saying:
“I believe that this country should be energy independent. We have a huge amount of energy reserves in this country.”
“You look at how these gas prices are impacting consumers in Florida and throughout the country. It wasn’t just because of Russia. They’ve been going up consistently since January 20, 2021. That’s just a fact.”
DeSantis then got to what might have been his best point: that the Democrats are shunning Putin while buying oil from Maduro because of ideology. In his words:
“This is based on ideology. They don’t want us producing like we did under the Trump administration, so they’ve done a series of things…
So you say you don’t want to do with Putin because he’s a dictator. Fine. I’m all for that. But then don’t turn around and go to Maduro, who has committed all kinds of atrocities.”
DeSantis is quite simply correct. Refusing to buy oil from Putin is understandable, a fine decision.
But then turning around and buying oil from a theocracy that hates us and a socialist regime that murders its subject to maintain power? That’s nonsensical, if not evil. American producers can and should be empowered instead.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics