Once again American history was targeted by a “woke” politician, looking to remove and/or destroy statues, portraits, or other artifacts seeking to acquiesce to far-left activist demands.
Recently in Syracuse, New York, a historic Columbus monument was the target.
In response to a few Native American groups and others’ calls for its removal, claiming it was because of Columbus’ role in enslaving indigenous populations upon his arrival in the Americas, woke Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh (I-NY) announced on Oct. 9, 2020, that he planned to remove the Columbus statue from the circle.
The city would then redevelop the site into a heritage site that honored Italian-Americans as well as the contributions of Native Americans and other traditionally marginalized groups.
Unlike what happened in Virginia though, a NY State Supreme Court Judge, Gerard Neri, ruled that the statue should not be moved and that the city did not have the legal right to take it down.
The statue was erected in 1934, paid for mostly by Italian-American immigrants, and given to the city. Many Italian-Americans at the time had been subjected to persecution and the statue was a point of pride among the community.
Judge Neri said in the ruling that the city of Syracuse, “no legal right to alter the piece of art known as the Christopher Columbus Monument or remove same or any part of it from its present place on St. Mary’s Circle, commonly known as Columbus Circle, in the city of Syracuse.”
The Columbus Monument Corporation, a group dedicated to preserving the monument and honoring the memory of Columbus, saw the fruits of the labor, to save the statue, pay off.
“We are pleased with the Court’s decision to preserve the historic Columbus Monument as is, in its original location, where it was dedicated by over 40,000 Onondaga County citizens in 1934,” the Corporation said in a statement following the ruling.
“We appreciate the Court’s careful consideration of our petition requesting that this important public art be preserved. The decision reflects the extent to which the court heard and analyzed the arguments of all parties.”
According to Judeg Neri, the mayor did not consult with the city’s Common Council and did not have the authority to remove the monument on his own. The judge also noted it would be against the city charter to remove the statue.
Columbus monuments across the country have come under fire in recent years as some allege that the explorer represents the evils of Western imperialism. However, groups like the Columbus Monument Corporation have fought to maintain monuments to the Italian explorer.
“It remains the position of the Columbus Monument Corporation and the other petitioners that changes by certain community leaders about their interpretation, sensitivity and historical perspective is not a basis to destroy or remove the Columbus Monument,” the organization said.
The group also added that they were not opposed to other historic monuments being put up, they just did not want Columbus taken away.
Not to be deterred, Mayor Walsh, said he will appeal the ruling.
“The City of Syracuse will appeal the decision and looks forward to presenting its position to the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division,” he said in a statement.
These types of court victories, which unfortunately are becoming rarer, are a welcome reminder that there are still judges and courts in the United States, which follow the letter of the law.
In spite of these social justice activists demanding they get their way, destroying another stature, this time they will need to go back to mom’s basement, waiting for their next call to be counterproductive in public one more.
For me, I would like to tell them; to get a life, it’s passing by, even if you are too busy being triggered about everything, and are missing it. You, your families, your communities, states, and your nation would be much better off for it.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of Eric Thompson Show.
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics