With new ownership at CNN, and as Discovery moves forward with its merger with Warner Media, things are changing quickly at the network that laughingly bills itself as “The Most Trusted Name In News.”
CNN has implemented some major changes over the last few months, giving the boot to disgraced prime time host Chris Cuomo, ushering out former President Jeff Zucker after discovering his numerous indiscretions, and then totally revamping their morning and daytime lineups. CNN has clearly recognized the need for drastic changes if intends to regain any of the glory the once-credible network had.
So, where does Fox News’ turncoat Chris Wallace fit into CNN’s plan? According to The Daily Wire, Wallace is one of two candidates being considered to fill the vacancy in what was Cuomo’s prime time slot, with the other being former MSNBC host Brian Williams.
Of the two, it would appear that Wallace has the edge over Williams.
Both have had issues with their trustworthiness over the years. Wallace’s infamous performance during the 2020 Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump showed his true left-leanings, as he repeatedly interrupted Trump while allowing Biden to babble endlessly. And though there are other examples of Wallace’s reliability concerns, Brian Williams’ believability is utterly non-existent.
Williams was suspended in 2015 after his storytelling-disguised-as-journalism was exposed. As NBC Nightly News anchor at the time, Williams had been spinning a tale about having been in a helicopter that was struck by a rocket-propelled grenade. The story was pure fiction, other examples of fabrications came to light, and Williams was out the door; but only temporarily.
Williams’ career was subsequently resurrected to play a key role on the even less-reliable MSNBC, where he worked until this past December. Williams stepped down two weeks before Christmas, and has been mostly sitting on the sidelines since.
Who will end up occupying the seat that was once filled by Chris Cuomo? Whether it’s Wallace or Williams, it will be a dramatic upgrade in credibility compared to Chris Cuomo, which illustrates just how absurd Cuomo had become. Wallace may be just another Democrat operative pretending to be unbiased, and Williams might be better off working as a reporter for the National Enquirer, but they are both lightyears ahead of Chris Cuomo when it comes to journalistic reputations.
Let’s hope CNN’s transformation continues. Ideally, CNN and other leftist media outlets would move squarely back to the center and get back to reporting facts as opposed to opinion. America needs a dependable and trustworthy press, an institution that has often been called the Fourth Branch of Government. In the meantime, however, any shifts back to the political middle should be welcomed.
Can Americans depend on Chris Wallace to be a straight shooter? Heck, no. But he should be a dramatic improvement over Chris Cuomo.
By Jess Lawson
Jess Lawson is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative and a passionate, conservative millennial who loves America.
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Featured photo by Mike D from Washington, DC, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
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