All’s not well over at CNN. Between the “pedo outbreak” and the rash of expected firings, what used to be one of America’s best news networks has become a scandal-prone collection of creeps.
Well, things might have just gotten worse for that collection of creeps. Now, in a recent court filing, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo have turned on each other with a vengeance.
In fact, in the filing, a demand for arbitration targeting CNN, Chris Cuomo, a former CNN anchor fired by the scandalized network, turned on his old friends Don Lemon and Jake Tapper, saying the duo had breached “traditional journalistic standards.”
First, Cuomo, in the demand for arbitration, zeroes in on CNN’s former leadership, particularly Jeff Zucker, saying they misled him about the potential conflict of interest with the assistance he was providing to Governor Cuomo, his brother, saying:
Cuomo had no reason to believe that his assistance to Gov. Cuomo was inconsistent with CNN’s or Turner’s policies nor its expectations, especially given the fact that Zucker and Gollust had encouraged him to do so and had themselves provided advice to Gov. Cuomo. In fact, CNN fostered a culture in which the network’s standards and practices were a constantly moving target, modified at CNN executives’ discretion as they saw fit., and that culture began at the top with Zucker and Gollust.
Then, turning from just Zucker and Gollust to adding in Don Lemon and Jake Tapper as examples of others that have breached “traditional journalistic standards,” Lemon says:
As long as Zucker and Gollust believed CNN’s ratings would benefit, they were more than willing to disregard breaches of traditional journalistic standards by CNN personalities, such as Don Lemon and Jake Tapper, or even to engage in blatant breaches of journalistic ethics themselves. There is no better example of this than Zucker and Gollust making an exception to the CNN rule to direct Cuomo to interview his brother several times over the course of three months.
Tapper emphasized that point again a good bit later in the letter, saying:
As long as CNN’s ratings would not be hurt, Zucker and Gollust were more than willing to overlook major transgressions by CNN personalities such as Don Lemon and Jake Tapper, or even to engage in blatant misconduct themselves.
Also in the demand for arbitration letter, Cuomo returns to blasting Lemon, Tapper, and Stelter for criticizing him, saying:
Other CNN staff joined in the calculated campaign to smear Cuomo and destroy his reputation. Jake Tapper, a CNN anchor, publicly assailed Cuomo’s ethics as a journalist and falsely claimed that Cuomo “threatened” Zucker. Don Lemon, another CNN anchor, falsely claimed that Cuomo had been “found to break with those journalistic standards and then [was] paid handsomely for it.” Brian Stelter, CNN’s chief media correspondent, said Cuomo was “acting like an unpaid staffer” for Gov. Cuomo and had been“trying to burn the place down” after CNN terminated him.
There are other examples too, other times when Cuomo calls out his former friends Jake Tapper and Don Lemon, but those are the main ones. What they show is that as CNN deals with a spate of firings and scandals, it’s also dealing with a savage Civil War between a few of its former and current top personalities.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics