Judicial Watch, one of the main non-profits that keeps the elites accountable, just filed a major lawsuit against the Justice Department, demanding in the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to have access to the communications between Durham and AG Garland. As Judicial Watch described the lawsuit in a statement:
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for records of communication between Special Counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland
In that FOIA lawsuit, Judicial Watch is asking for:
1. All records of communication, including emails and text messages, between Special Counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland.
2. All budget records related to the operations of the office of Special Counsel John Durham.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, remarking on the lawsuit, added that “It shouldn’t take a federal lawsuit to get answers to simple requests for information about Garland’s communications with Durham and basic budget documents about the Durham Special Counsel operation.”
Despite the fact that it shouldn’t take a federal lawsuit to get those answers, it apparently is.
Why that Judicial Watch lawsuit is important is that it might help the public find out if a July of 2021 letter by Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joe Gaeta is accurate. In that letter, Gaeta says:
Finally, you have asked whether the Department agrees with Attorney General Barr’s order dated October 19, 2020, which states:
“In addition to the confidential report required by 28 C.F.R. § 608.8(c), the Special Counsel, to the maximum extent possible and consistent with the law and policies and practices of the Department of Justice, shall submit t0 the Attorney General a final report, and such interim reports as he deems appropriate, in a form that will permit public dissemination.”
The Department agrees with this statement.
So, according to Gaeta, the Deputy Assistant Attorney General under Joe Biden, the DOJ still intends on disseminating Durham’s account when it’s made public.
Hopefully, the Judicial Watch lawsuit will shine a light on what communications have been flying back and forth between Durham and the AG, and thus if and when the report will actually be released.
Regardless of whether it is released or not, however, the report might already be too late, as it’s been years since the Russia hoax happened. Articulating that perspective quite well, California Republican Darrell Issa said:
Well, “Justice delayed is justice denied” is not some sort of a trite statement; it’s very true. Anything that comes out of the Durham Report… they could lynch Hillary Clinton, and it wouldn’t change a thing.
The fact is, time has passed. It is pretty irrelevant, except it’s a lesson to Congress that putting real-time limits and putting real meat in activities, including Inspector General’s reports and so on, is more important than ever.
The sad fact is that that’s probably true. Even if Durham does release a report as shocking as some expect it to be, it might just be too late to make a difference.
If so, that’ll make the Judicial Watch lawsuit all the more important: the communications it seeks to uncover could show if there was pressure from the DOJ on Durham to keep the report only progressing slowly so that by the time it was released, headaches and criminal convictions, or at least trials, could be avoided.
Perhaps that’s not the case, but it’s a concern shared by many, so hopefully Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit will help observers determine what’s really going on and why Durham’s taking so long.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics