Two African nationals, Richard Djasserambaye (26) and Dodjim Leclair (29), along iwth Nasouh Albasis-Albasis (24), were involved in the 2017 rape of a 14-year-old Utah girl they met on Snapchat.
According to Breitbart, Djasserambaye and Leclair raped the young girl, who was in and out of consciousness during the horrific assault, while Albasis-Albasis filmed the stomach-churning incident.
KSL, reporting on the sickening crime at the time of the assault (2017), said that:
On Sept. 8, a 14-year-old girl slept over at a friend’s house and then sneaked out of the house to meet up with the three men, police say. The men then took the girl to several parties while “drinking shots” with her, according to charging documents.
At some point, the girl — who was in and out of consciousness after drinking — was raped in the back seat of the men’s car, according to West Jordan police.
Two of the men in the front seat of the car saw the third having sex with the girl in the back seat, so they “stopped the car and began to film the encounter,” the charges state.
Adding to that, KSL also reports that police found four videos of the horrific assault, and that “In the videos, they observed the girl being sexually assaulted while she “appears to be incoherent and making weak attempts to stop the assault,” charging documents state.”
Djasserambaye and Leclair, again according to Breitbart, “arrived in the U.S. from the Central African Republic at a prior date that was not disclosed to Breitbart News.”
So, in 2017, two adult African nationals raped a 14-year-old Utahan while she was drunk in the backseat of their car. And what sentence did they receive for the savage, sickening attack?
A paltry slap on the wrist. As KSL reports:
Third District Judge Douglas Hogan sentenced each to between one and 15 years in prison but suspended the prison sentences in lieu of probation. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will first address the immigration status of two of the men before they begin serving the probation.
[…]Under plea deals, Djassera pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor, a second-degree felony, after attorneys noted there was no evidence that he engaged in sex with the victim. Leclair and Albasis both pleaded guilty to a reduced count of rape, a second-degree felony.
So, after raping a child and filming it, they might be deported and have to spend some time on probation (though they were incarcerated since their arrest in 2017).
That’s horrific. If Utah wants to follow in the footsteps of soft on crime states like New York and California and have more crimes, if it wants more foreigners to arrive only to rape its citizens and prey upon Americans, then this is how it will get that.
If, rather, it wants to protect its citizens from the depredations of foreigners and sexual criminals, then it needs to take a much stronger stance against men who rape unconscious children and film it for their sickening gratification.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
Photos provided by Salt Lake County Jails
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative