As most Americans have moved on from the Democratic party’s fake news, such as the Russian Hoax, 2 failed impeachments of former President Trump & Trump’s tax returns, the fall out from the January 6th riots appears to be the Democrats, last hurrah, still hoping to stop the GOP from taking back the U.S. Congress in November.
With Biden’s poll numbers in the tank and with Americans upset at the inflation rate, fuel costs, the southern invasion, and the administration’s mishandling of the COVID vaccine mandates, the left will not get a bump in support from the sitting President, instead, they will have to try to win in spite of him.
According to a Washington Post article this week, the January 6th sham committee is all about one thing, the upcoming midterm elections.
The Federalist is reporting:
Democrats Admit Jan. 6 Committee Is All About Midterms
House Democrats prosecuting political dissidents in the form of the Select Committee on Jan. 6 admitted this week the show trial investigation is all about the November midterms.
On Friday, The Washington Post chronicled the committee’s next steps in a feature headlined “Jan. 6 committee faces a thorny challenge: Persuading the public to care” as Americans lose enthusiasm for severe retribution against those involved with a constitutionally protected rally 14 months ago, who are the true target of the committee’s work as opposed to perpetrators of the Capitol riot.
These are the key sections of the article:
Now the Jan. 6 Committee has become the Democrats’ new hoax, aimed not at probing the security failures at the Capitol but at smearing political dissidents in the run-up to midterms.
Democrats admitted what was already obvious to The Washington Post on Friday.
One lawmaker, the Post wrote, “added that even some of their Democratic constituents have lost interest in the committee’s work because of more pressing issues, like inflation and the coronavirus pandemic.” Americans are now coping with gas prices eclipsing their record peak and compounded by an inflation rate running at a four-decade high.
The Jan. 6 probe, however, is dominating lawmakers’ priorities, including Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney who is one of two Republicans appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve on the panel. Cheney, the Post reported, is “spending the majority of her time on the matter, people familiar with her work say,” instead of reclaiming her lost role on the Natural Resources Committee.
“Their challenge: Making the public care deeply — and read hundreds of pages more — about an event that happened more than a year ago, and that many Americans feel they already understand,” the Post highlighted, followed by the passage below (emphasis ours):
They’ll attempt to do so this spring through public hearings, along with a potential interim report and a final report that will be published ahead of the November midterms — with the findings likely a key part of the Democrat’s midterm strategy.
They hope their recommendations to prevent another insurrection will be adopted, but also that their work will repel voters from Republicans who they say helped propel the attack.
For me, this fascist, banana republic witch hunt is very disturbing.
This confirms my call for the deconstruction of the federal government as it is like a sick head, beyond the ability to be healed, leaving the enter body (nation) to die a slow death, right in front of our eyes.
Unfortunately, I don’t see much unity in the GOP which means that any degree of voter fraud by the democratic party, in the 2022 midterms, could end up making Tuesday, November 8, 2022, a day that America may never recover from.
I pray that a massive number of concerned Americans will actually stop watching Netflix for an hour or two and get out and vote for “Liberty’s” sake.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of Eric Thompson Show.
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics