When does life begin? At conception? When there’s a heartbeat? After birth? Different people have different answers, with the right generally leaning at least somewhat toward the conception or heartbeat approach.
Judge (likely soon to be justice) Kantanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, refused to say. Watch that here:
As you can hear, Senator Kennedy asked Jackson a simple question: “When does life begin, in your opinion?”
Everyone has an answer. Perhaps the answer isn’t popular, or at least isn’t popular to some people, but everyone thinks life begins at some point.
Well, everyone except Kentanji Brown Jackson, apparently. She said “Senator… um… I don’t… know,” and then started laughing awkwardly. Perhaps Kamala coached her on how to respond with a deeply uncomfortable cackle.
In any case, Senator Kennedy pressed, saying “Do you have a belief?”
Channeling her inner Jen Psaki, Kentanji refused to answer, saying “I have, um, personal religious and otherwise beliefs that have nothing to do with the law in terms of when life begins.”
Still Kennedy didn’t give up. Continuing to press her over the issue, he said “Do you have a personal belief though about when life begins?”
Once again, Kentanji refused to answer, falling back on the “personal belief” excuse and saying “I have a religious view that I set aside when I am ruling on cases.”
At that point, Kennedy didn’t relax his grip and give up, but he did shift the wording a bit and said “When does equal protection of the laws attach to a human being?”
Yet again Kentanji flashed an awkward smile and didn’t answer, saying “Well Senator, um… I believe that the Supreme Court… um… actually I, I actually don’t know the answer to that question — I’m sorry — I don’t.”
So, Biden’s Supreme Court nominee, a woman who will likely have to rule on abortion-related issues, issues that cut to the core of when life begins and when the equal protection clause starts applying, either doesn’t have articulable viewpoints on those issues or, more likely, is so radical that she refuses to share them when being recorded.
While her answers and questioning on the child porn issue and CRT will likely be what dominates the news, her answers on this question are at least as important, if not more so: in refusing to answer Senator Kennedy, Kentanji effectively admitted that her opinions are so radical that she can’t express them in public.
Further, while the child porn issue is obviously horrible and her letting child porn offenders off with a slap on the wrist is reprehensible, most Americans already know that: calling her out on it is a great way to score political points and rally the public against her, but child porn likely won’t be a battleground any time soon.
Abortion, however, is already such a battleground. To muddle our way through it, America needs principled, thoughtful jurists that tackle the issue with necessary vigor and critical thought. Kentanji, as her answers (or lack thereof) exposed, isn’t such a person.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics