Under President Trump, America sided firmly with Israel and demanded that other countries come to terms with that. Right or wrong, it was definitive and led Arab states to accept reality and start making peace with Israel, something that culminated in the Abraham Accords.
Team Biden, however, has been much more ambiguous about its support for Israel. Instead of just choosing a side and sticking to it, it’s waffled back and forth, obviously trying to balance not getting AIPAC overly mad while also parroting all the CRT-like talking points about oppressed Palestinians and imperialist Israelis.
Now that anti-Israel stance has extended beyond mere talk and has transformed into action. More specifically, it’s turned into the Biden Administration offering a million dollars for groups to report on alleged Israeli human rights violations. As the Jerusalem Post reported:
The US State Department has offered a grant of up to $987,654 for projects that include reporting human rights violations by Israel, raising concern about the potential for abuse by organizations seeking boycotts, sanctions and international law tribunals against Israel.
[…]The proposals are meant to “collect, archive and maintain human rights documentation to support justice and accountability and civil society-led advocacy efforts, which may include documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land and property rights.”
Now, to some that might sound reasonable. Human rights violations are human rights violations, after all, and the modern world has decided that those amorphous “crimes” are unacceptable, regardless of what provoked them (constantly firing rockets at civilian centers).
However, the human rights pearl clutchers are missing something important: it’s not what an ally does. Did the Brits investigate the US for firebombing Tokyo, or did we try them at Nuremberg for turning Dresden to ash? No, though those actions would probably now qualify as war crimes. Allies stand by each other, they don’t fund the sworn enemies of each other.
So, Team Biden, by handing about a million dollars to groups that mean to tarnish Israel’s image, is acting in the opposite manner of how an ally would. In fact, it seems far more like Biden is an ally of those Palestinian groups than Israel.
Further, the dollars will end up being used in ways that likely hurt Israel, particularly in a financial manner. As Breitbart reported in an article on the subject:
Prof. Gerald Steinberg, director of human rights watchdog NGO Monitor, a group that tracks anti-Israel non-profits, wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying that the initiative will open the gates for anti-Israel groups to legitimize the “apartheid” charge against Israel.
“In light of the Biden Administration’s repeated rejection of such campaigns, we call on the State Department to reconsider this program,” Steinberg wrote. “If however the NOFO [notice of funding opportunity] proceeds, the application of clear and rigorous safeguards will be necessary to ensure that taxpayer funds are not provided to organizations advancing a discriminatory, anti-Israel agenda under the façade of accountability and human rights.”
He went on to say that the U.S. is in danger of allowing such projects to follow in the footsteps of European governments, which justify funding organizations that have advocated for boycotts of Israel and for Israeli officials to be tried for war crimes under the guise of human rights.
Biden, in funding Israel’s enemies, is taking a major anti-Israel step. If we’re still allies with Israel, that’s the opposite of what he should be doing.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics