What elections should the GOP focus on as we head into November, election season? The House of Representatives? The Senate? Gubernatorial and state legislature elections?
While all of those are important and ones that the GOP needs to win if it’s to expand its power, they’re not what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis thinks that the GOP needs to focus on winning at all costs. In his view, school board elections are some of the “most important elections” we have to win.
Speaking on those elections and the importance of controlling the schools in a press conference, Governor DeSantis first introduced the opportunity presented by so many school boards making themselves so unpopular, saying:
“I’m a big believer in term limits, but you don’t always even have to wait for that to attach. You can throw the bums out in the election.
“If they mistreated your kids or didn’t follow the law … you have an opportunity [because many of them are up for reelection].”
then, turning to how increased voter attention on school boards means that people are finally paying attention to what’s being taught in the schools and the elections that control the curriculum, he said:
“But I think what we’ve found is that those are some of the most important elections that we’re able to vote on. I think you’re going to have a huge amount of voter interest in these August and November elections for the school boards in the various counties.”
Later, speaking on why the school boards have become so unpopular recently, he hammered them for their pandemic responses, saying:
“It’s not what the parents wanted to be done. It’s not what the kids wanted to be done. And that, I think, is really the problem: when you run saying you’re going to do certain things, acting like you’re going to represent the values of the community.”
Emphasizing that the focus needs to be on those races, DeSantis then said “I don’t know that I ever got involved in school board races before, but we’ll be involved this year. We want to help people; they’re going to help our kids.”
Governor DeSantis has a point. While national-level races get all of the attention, particularly big ones like the presidency or Senate races, it’s often what happens at the local level that really matters.
It’s those local elections for school board seats and other seemingly small positions that determine much about your life, far more than what some far-away politician and DC says. Further, in the case of school boards, it’s a relatively small election in which but a few votes are cast that determines what your kid learns and whether they’ll actually be educated or will instead have to listen to leftie propaganda all day.
So, conservatives need to win those races and ensure that the GOP is heavily represented at the local level. DeSantis’ advice to focus on local elections, particularly school board elections, is quite good; if the children are the future, then control over what they learn is incredibly important.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics