Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proved himself a conservative hero yet again, this time standing up to woke CEOs and corporate managers that are trying to use their financial weight to push around voters and influence the Florida political process.
Ripping into those woke CEOs thought the real target was obviously the CEO of Disney, Bob Chapek, who has been in the media recently, wailing on DeSantis for the so-called “Don’t Say Gay bill” and saying that the bill shouldn’t have been passed.
Speaking about him and all the other woke CEOs that are trying to push leftism on Florida, DeSantis said:
“For Disney to come out and put a statement and say that the bill should have never passed and they are going to actively work to repeal it — I think, one, was fundamentally dishonest. But two, I think that crossed the line.
“This state is governed by the interest of the people of Florida. It is NOT based on the demands of California corporate executives. They do NOT run this state.”
Watch him here:
Gov. DeSantis to corporations trying to sway Florida law 🙌🔥
“This state is governed by the interest of the people of Florida. It is NOT based on the demands of California corporate executives. They do NOT run this state.” pic.twitter.com/s15AgIuwmd
— AllegianceToLiberty (@AllegianceTL) March 29, 2022
DeSantis also added to the attack on leftist companies and CEOs in a tweet of his own in which he shared the press conference clip, saying:
The state of Florida is governed according to the interests of the people, not according to the political posturing of corporate executives in California.
We will never allow corporate influence to repeal the substantive rights of parents in our state.
The state of Florida is governed according to the interests of the people, not according to the political posturing of corporate executives in California.
We will never allow corporate influence to repeal the substantive rights of parents in our state. pic.twitter.com/vEDEKekcaH
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) March 29, 2022
It wasn’t just at the press conference that DeSantis ripped Disney and defended the bill. He also appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show and did so, saying:
“This bill is about providing protection so that they know they can send their young kids to school without them being sexualized — without a school telling a young girl, for example, that she may really be a boy.”
“And if schools are trying to do things that impact the health and wellbeing of the kids… that parents have a right to know that and provide consent for it. So this is a real bill that empowers parents. It protects our kids.”
[…]”For them to say that they as a California based company are going to work to take those California values and overturn a law that was duly enacted and supported by a strong majority of Floridians – They don’t run this state. They will never run this state as long as I’m governor.”
DeSantis wasn’t the only one to attack Disney either. Even non-woke Disney employees joined in the attack on the now expressly woke situation, saying:
“The Walt Disney Company has come to be an increasingly uncomfortable place to work for those of us whose political and religious views are not explicitly progressive,” the letter said. “We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”
Adding to the veracity of their claim is that the letter was unsigned: apparently, Disney is so hostile to non-woke employees that they don’t even feel comfortable voicing their very reasonable concerns.
DeSantis is doing a brilliant job of standing up to woke corporations and their CEOs! Let’s hope his backbone stays strong as their howls of outrage get all the louder.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics