If the GOP is to even have a chance of defeating Biden’s wildly radical Supreme Court nominee, something that should be a chief priority for the GOP if it’s to protect its conservative base, then it needs to stick together to fight back and keep her from getting confirmed.
In fact, not only does the GOP have to vote as a bloc, but it would have to pull a Democrat over to its side to keep Kentanji Jackson the radical judge out of the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court.
So, of course, the most RINO Republican in the Senate has jumped ship and sided with the Democrats on this one: that would be Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.
She announced as much in a statement, saying:
“After reviewing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s extensive record, watching much of her hearing testimony, and meeting with her twice in person, I have concluded that she possesses the experience, qualifications, and integrity to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. I will, therefore, vote to confirm her to this position.”
She also, in a statement to the New York Times after a meeting with Judge Kentanji Jackson, said:
“I have decided to support the confirmation of Judge Jackson to be a member of the Supreme Court.
“In recent years, senators on both sides of the aisle have gotten away from what I perceive to be the appropriate process for evaluating judicial nominees.
In my view, the role under the Constitution assigned to the Senate is to look at the credentials, experience and qualifications of the nominee. It is not to assess whether a nominee reflects the individual ideology of a senator or would vote exactly as an individual senator would want.”
Just the News, reporting on why Senator Collins’ vote in favor of Kentanji Jackson is so important to the Biden Administration’s attempts to get that leftist judge confirmed, notes that:
A vote from Collins will allow the Biden administration to tout some degree of bipartisan support for Jackson and will allow them avoid bringing in Vice President Kamala Harris to break a tied confirmation vote.
So, thanks to Collins the turncoat, not only will the GOP now have to pull even more Democrats over to its side, but doing so will be more difficult because she’s given the vote the veneer of bipartisanship. Yet worse, even if it pulls a Democrat over, that now won’t matter and Kamala would presumably feel less troubled about casting a tie-breaking vote in favor of the far-left judge.
Perhaps worst of all, assuming the GOP doesn’t pull any Democrats over to its side, VP Kamala Harris now won’t need to cast a tie-breaking vote, something that might have been embarrassing to the Biden Administration.
As of now, it is unclear if the other RINOs, particularly Senator Romney of Utah and Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, will jump ship and side with the Biden Administration on this too. Presumably, they need to stick their fingers in the wind first.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics