Back in 2020, Zuckerberg made massive “donations” to states across the US, using his money in an attempt to swing the election toward Biden. Spending millions upon millions on elections, Zuckerberg might have shifted the election toward Biden. Mollie Hemingway, reporting on how those dollars were donated and spent in an article for Imprimis, wrote that:
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, an organization led by Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla, gave more than $400 million to nonprofit groups involved in “securing” the 2020 election. Most of those funds—colloquially called “Zuckerbucks”—were funneled through the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a voter outreach organization founded by Tiana Epps-Johnson, Whitney May, and Donny Bridges. All three had previously worked on activism relating to election rules for the New Organizing Institute, once described by The Washington Post as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry.”
Flush with $350 million in Zuckerbucks, the CTCL proceeded to disburse large grants to election officials and local governments across the country. These disbursements were billed publicly as “COVID-19 response grants,” ostensibly to help municipalities acquire protective gear for poll workers or otherwise help protect election officials and volunteers against the virus. In practice, relatively little money was spent for this. Here, as in other cases, COVID simply provided cover.
Oh, and almost all of the money was given to Democrats, again according to Mollie Hemingway: “Not all Georgia counties received CTCL funding. And of those that did, Trump-voting counties received an average of $1.91 per registered voter, compared to $7.13 per registered voter in Biden-voting counties.”
That’s quite the ratio, I’m sure it wasn’t at all biased or meant to help Democrats. NOT!
Well, a few states are finally standing up to the Zuckerbucks issue and stop billionaire leftists from swinging elections with millions upon millions of dollars in donations to Democrat-leaning districts.
Specifically, West Virginia and Kentucky have now passed legislation that stops local and state election officials from accepting NGO funds to conduct elections.
In West Virginia, that legislation took the form of House Bill 4097, which provides that:
a) No county commission, clerk of a county commission, municipal governing body, or other public official or body responsible for overseeing, administering, or regulating an election held within the State of West Virginia may directly receive or accept any gift, grant, contribution, or donation of money or anything of value for election administration and related expenses from any private individual, corporation, partnership, trust, or third party, and all such gifts, grants, contributions, or donations may only be accepted, received, expended, distributed, and utilized by the Secretary of State pursuant to the requirements of this section.
Similarly, Kentucky passed anti-Zuckerbucks legislation in the form of House Bill 301. It will:
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 45A to require all costs and expenses related to election administration be paid for with public funds; prohibit a state governmental body employee from accepting anything of value to assist with election administration unless entered into as a lawful contract; create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to require all costs and expenses related to election administration be paid for with public funds; prohibit a local governmental body employee from accepting anything of value to assist with election administration…
States are standing up to Zuck and his attempts to influence elections with hundreds of millions of dollars. Now more need to follow suit!
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from My Patriot Post