Woke colleges and those leftie students and radical professors within them like to slander everyone who doesn’t toe the line of whatever the most recent woke talking point is. In fact, in many cases, they even go after those people and businesses that haven’t even done anything wrong or overtly gone against leftist orthodoxy.
Such was the case when Gibson’s Bakery in Ohio, a bakery that used to be quite popular with Oberlin students, caught three students shoplifting wine and called them on it, upon which time the three students proceeded to viciously beat the shopkeeper for not letting them steal with impunity. Here’s how a local outlet described the incident:
The three students were arrested after punching and kicking the white shopkeeper. The 18- and 19-year-old students said that they were racially profiled and that their only crime was trying to buy alcohol with fake identification; the shopkeeper, Allyn Gibson, said the students attacked him after he caught them trying to steal bottles of wine.
Well, rather than apologize for the brutal, criminal behavior of its students, Oberlin went on the warpath against the innocent bakery owner. You see, the owner is white and the students were black, so the left immediately turned the violent incident into a racial one.
Students began protesting the bakery for being racist, ignoring the fact that the students were criminals and had assaulted the bakery owners, with a member of the Oberlin administration joining in and slandering the bakery.
So, Gibson’s owner sued for slander, as Louder with Crowder reported at the time, saying:
On Nov. 7, the Gibsons sued Oberlin and Meredith Raimondo, vice president and dean of students, for slander, accusing faculty members of encouraging demonstrations against the bakery by suspending classes, distributing flyers, and supplying protesters with free food and drink.
It says Raimondo took part in the demonstration against Gibson’s with a bullhorn and distributed a flyer that said the bakery is a “RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION.”
It was a slam-dunk case and the owner won, bringing in a massive settlement from the slanderous, woke university. The Washington Examiner, reporting on that settlement, noted that:
A record $31 million award to a mom and pop bakery that accused a liberal Ohio college of ruining its business with false accusations of racism has been upheld by a state appeals court.
Gibson’s Bakery, a 135-year-old family business near the campus of Oberlin College, was initially awarded more than $40 million in punitive and compensatory damages in the aftermath of a 2016 incident in which the owner’s son confronted three black Oberlin students who were stealing wine from the store.
That’s how the libelous and slanderous wokies are dealt with. Tolerating them or dealing with them builds no good will and could end up meaning your reputation is unjustly dumped in the gutter. Fighting them in court could make you a multi-millionaire, particularly when the wokies happen to be agents of a well-funded university.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics