Back in 2014, at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Joe Biden was taken to the cleaners for what the joke-teller, Joel McHale indicated was his mental decline. It was pretty funny. Fortunately for us, the clip has resurfaced, so you can watch it here:
They mocked Biden’s cognitive decline at the 2014 WH Correspondent’s dinner.
It’s been an open “secret” for years. pic.twitter.com/8LoBlaOqiu
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) April 4, 2022
As you can hear in the video, McHale said:
“The vice president isn’t here tonight. Not for security reasons. He just thought this event was being held at the Dulles airport Applebee’s. Yes, right now, Joe is elbow-deep in jalapeno poppers and talking to a construction cone he thinks is John Boehner.”
Adding to that with a stinging one-liner, McHale then said:
“It’s crazy to think that Joe Biden is only one heartbeat away from no one taking him seriously as president.”
Obama, for his part, was laughing quite heartily. He got the joke and why it was funny (Biden’s obvious mental decline), even if now he pretends Joe is A-OK.
Well, it didn’t take something happening to Obama’s heart, but now Brandon is back in the White House and proving McHale right by the day: no one takes him seriously and it is crazy that this is happening. At least he tends to spend his time hidden in the White House rather than at Applebee’s.
Louder with Crowder, commenting on the skit, said:
2014 was a different time. A lot has happened since then. It was safe to make fun of Joe because Hillary Clinton was in the process of mean-girling him out of the 2016 election. Hillary being Hilary would lead to Donald Trump being elected president. Donald Trump tweeting mean things would lead to Joe Biden being elected president. Because, as insane as this sounds, Biden was the least batsh!t crazy of the thirty-seven Democrats who ran for the nomination.
Now, everything is more expensive, the border is a mess, Afghanistan is in flames, the “experts” demand we mask up three-year-olds, and Joe Biden wanders around the Oval Office wondering who just pooped in his pants.
Joel McHale tried to warn us, America. Some of you didn’t listen.
But what Crowder missed is that McHale didn’t end there. He went on to savage Biden for thinking about running, saying:
“Biden will likely be running for president in 2016, saying, and I quote ‘There’s no obvious reason not to.’ He talks about his motivation for a presidential run as if he’s deciding to finish a meatball hoagie. ‘Hey, it’s there, isn’t it? Look, all I’m saying is the bread is toasty and the cheese is warm, I’m gonna finish that thing. Jill, bring me my hoagie bib. No, not that one. The fancy one.’”
Well, six years later, Biden finally did finish that meatball hoagie and by that time it was as rotten as his brain. Now America, which couldn’t even take a hint from Obama laughing hysterically at Biden’s cognitive decline over a half a decade beforehand, has to bear the consequences of having Slow Joe roaming around 1600 Penn.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative