What does a self-professed socialist do when put in charge of millions of dollars in campaign funds? Apparently, she uses them to enrich her friends. Or, at least, that’s what AOC did in emulation of all those great socialist leaders that thieve from their subjects and give to themselves and their cronies.
The New York Post reported as much about the New York socialist, reporting that two PACs affiliated with her failed to disclose $1 million in disbursements to AOC’s former Chief of Staff. Shocker. Oh, and she’s a Democrat, so she’s only getting a slap on the wrist. Here’s what that outlet reported:
A two year federal probe found that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s campaign did not “properly” disclose some of its expenses — but the Federal Election Commission voted to give her a pass, according to filings made public this week.
The FEC found that two political action committees — Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats — “did not properly disclose the purpose of the disbursements” to similarly named shell companies set up by AOC’s former chief of staff Chaikat Sakrabarti during her first run for Congress in 2018.
[…]The NLPC complaint alleged that AOC campaign treasurer Frank Llewellyn and Sakrabarti, among others, funneled more than $1 million in political donations into two companies controlled by Sakrabarti [the former Chief of Staff]”
So, what’s the punishment for $1 million in improperly disclosed disbursements to someone closely connected to the Congresswoman?
Nothing. The FEC’s six-member panel dismissed the NLPC complaint without giving a reason.
The NLPC, slamming that decision, said “It was highly irregular for the FEC to release its statement of reasons after the deadline for us to file suit.”
But, of course, that’s what happened. New York’s favorite socialist had to be protected, as NLPC also said, saying: “The FEC has gone after a whole host of people whose violations are dwarfed by the scale of this scheme. It appears to be not prosecutorial discretion, but prosecutorial favoritism.”
To fight the FEC’s decision, the NLPC is filing another lawsuit, as the Washington Examiner reports, saying:
In response to the findings, the NLPC filed a lawsuit against the federal election integrity organization for failing to provide a reason for dismissing its complaint, according to the outlet.
The FEC’s treatment of AOC and her cronies stands in harsh contrast to how it has treated others bending the rules, particularly conservatives. Dinesh D’Souza was severely punished for donating too much to one candidate, as Lid blog reports, saying that D’Souza:
pleaded guilty in 2014 for donating $20,000 to New York politician Wendy Long who was a college friend. He was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in a minimum security jail, and paid a $30,000 fine.
But he’s not a Democrat, so it makes sense that he’d be held accountable for a relatively minor offense whereas those affiliated with AOC and her campaign, the favored daughters of the leftist revolution, are shielded by the FEC dismissing the complaint without comment.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics