What are the “principled conservatives” (read: RINOs) doing to protect their constituents, constituents who ostensibly elected them because they wanted GOP leadership? They’re getting all aboard the Biden barge and supporting Kentanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s SCOTUS nominee who many allege was soft on those convicted of child porn offenses.
First among the RINOs to support Kentanji was Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who announced her support for the radical SCOTUS nominee in a statement, saying:
“After reviewing Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s extensive record, watching much of her hearing testimony, and meeting with her twice in person, I have concluded that she possesses the experience, qualifications, and integrity to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. I will, therefore, vote to confirm her to this position.”
Next up was Romney the RINO, who also released a statement in support of Kentanji. He, in his statement, said:
“After reviewing Judge Jackson’s record and testimony, I have concluded that she is a well-qualified jurist and a person of honor. While I do not expect to agree with every decision she may make on the Court, I believe that she more than meets the standard of excellence and integrity. I congratulate Judge Jackson on her expected confirmation and look forward to her continued service to our nation.”
Sen. Murkowski, the third member of the RINO Triumvirate, also pledged to back Kentanji the radical, saying:
“She will bring to the Supreme Court a range of experience from the courtroom that few can match given her background in litigation.
“It also rests on my rejection of the corrosive politicization of the review process for Supreme Court nominees, which, on both sides of the aisle, is growing worse and more detached from reality by the year. While I have not and will not agree with all of Judge Jackson’s decisions and opinions, her approach to cases is carefully considered and is generally well-reasoned.
“She answered satisfactorily to my questions about matters like the Chevron doctrine, the Second Amendment, landmark Alaska laws, and Alaska Native issues. The support she has received from law enforcement agencies around the country is significant and demonstrates the judge is one who brings balance to her decisions.”
The RINO Triumvirate’s pledge of support for Kentanji will make it all but impossible for the GOP to stop Kentanji’s nomination once that nomination makes it out of the Judicial Committee and to the Senate as a whole. Manchin has already thrown his support behind Kentanji, which would make doing so even more difficult.
Still, even with Manchin on his party’s side, the GOP could have forced VP Kamala Harris to be the tie-breaking vote by keeping the vote 50-50, something that would have been highly embarrassing to the Biden Administration, had the RINOs not jumped ship and thrown their lot to the left.
But they did, so America will soon be saddled with a far-left Supreme Court Justice.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics