Former President Donald Trump isn’t usually one to let bygones be bygones. Rather, he’s a self-described counterpuncher that knows just how to tear into his enemies and make them regret ever daring to insult Teflon Don. It’s quite beautiful to watch, really.
Such was the case when Michigan Rep. Fred Upton, a lifelong RINO who sided with the radical leftists and voted to impeach Trump, announced his retirement.
Speaking in the House and announcing his plan to retire rather than try his hand at running again, soon to be former Rep. Upton said:
“Even the best stories have a last chapter. This is it for me.
“Reagan worked both sides of the aisle to get things done, caring less about who got the credit. And I made a promise that such a principle would be my guiding light. Especially in these days of divided government that is the only way one can actually get legislation enacted.
“Hopefully civility and bipartisanship versus discord can rule, not rue, the day.“.
Haha, Upton. Good one. You don’t get to impeach a president for doing nothing wrong and then push some meaningless drivel about “civility” later on in the hope that you’ll be remembered well. That’s not how it works, particularly when you’re dealing with Trump.
Trump, living up to his reputation as a counter-puncher with an elephant’s memory, fired off one of his classic Save America statements shortly after Rep. Upton announced his retirement, saying:
“UPTON QUITS! 4 down and 6 to go. others losing badly, who’s next?”
— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) April 5, 2022
The “four down, six to go part” is, of course, a reference to the RINOs that voted to impeach Trump. He’s been on the warpath against them ever since and they aren’t doing well. Turns out, voting to impeach the president loved by your party’s base isn’t the best political move. Shocker.
Reporting on the likely reason for Upton’s retirement, The Hill notes that:
Upton would have faced Rep. Bill Huizenga, who President Trump endorsed in March, in the Republican primary for Michigan’s new 4th district. Upton was redrawn into the 4th district with Huizenga, who currently represents the 2nd district. Michigan redrew its map after the 2020 census.
Trump holds sway in the GOP; he’s a winner, a fighter, and a power-broker. Upton, obviously, is none of those things.
His opponent, Rep Huizenga, however, was a bit more gracious than Trump. He, speaking about the retiring RINO, said:
“Fred’s statesman-like legacy will be remembered both in Michigan and our nation’s capital. I wish both he and Amey the best as they start their next chapter.”
Still, despite Re. Huizenga’s statement, Trump’s anti-RINO, no mercy sentiment is obviously the popular one among the GOP, particularly the MAGA base. Hence why Trump is popular and the RINOs that tried to get rid of him are dropping like flies.
Now we just have to push out 6 more of them; hopefully they accept the truth and go quietly, like Upton.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics