The drug cartels manufacture many of the drugs that flow into the US, but who is it that supplies them with the chemicals needed to make their toxic narcotics? Who is it that sends them the massive quantities of fentanyl that they ship across the southern border?
According to DEA Administrator Anne Milgram, who appeared on ABC’s “Nightline” on Tuesday, it’s Red China that’s shipping masses of drugs and chemicals to the Mexican drug cartels. Speaking on that issue, Milgram said:
“[W]e do see a large number of young people who are purchasing pills. What we know is that China is providing chemicals to Mexico, to the criminal drug networks that are then mass-producing these fake prescription pills.
They’re being sold as if they were Xanax, as if they were Oxy, as if they were Percocet. But there’s no Xanax, no Oxy, no Percocet in them. They’re fentanyl. But it isn’t just young people that we see, it’s also older Americans.
Right now, this is the leading cause of death. Overdoses are the leading cause of death for men between the age of 18 and 45. There are more overdose deaths than car accidents and gun violence. So, we have to be really expansive in understanding that it’s just not teens, it’s Americans of all ages, cuts across every single demographic, rural, urban, suburban, and that people are dying at record rates.”
That fact, the fact that it’s Red China shipping the drug cartels the supplies necessary to make their toxic narcotic brews, is important, but it’s also important to recognize the implications of that fact, an implication that Milgram hints at but didn’t openly state.
It’s not just that China is profiting off of narcotics, it’s that Red China, in shipping the narcotic supplies to the drug cartels, is effectively killing Americans.
Red China hasn’t just created a market for opioids by sucking American industry out of the heartland like a massive vacuum cleaner and leaving devastation and depression in its wake, but has also supplied the pushers of the narcotics with the drugs and chemicals they need.
Americans need to recognize that. The Red Chinese, in supplying drugs and chemicals to the bloodthirsty cartels, are just a few steps removed from the leading cause of death among young American men.
Further, it shows why Biden’s revocation of Title 42 is a terrible idea; the drug cartels, supplied and supported as they are by China, probably won’t be stamped out at home.
So, to defeat them and stop the Red Chinse from poisoning Americans, we need to shut down the border and prevent those illegal narcotics from flowing into the US and then into the veins of Americans. A wide-open border mobbed with migrants will make doing so all but impossible, as if the issue weren’t already hard to deal with.
An open border kills Americans and enriches Red China and the drug cartels it supplies. America needs to stop that before it’s too late.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics