Rep. Scalise, the conservative representative shot by a deranged Bernie Bro, is back in the news, this time for taking Biden to task over the inflation crisis and explaining how the skyrocketing inflation we’ve seen under the Biden presidency is ripping the financial outlook of America’s middle class to shreds.
Speaking on that during an appearance on Fox Business Network, Rep. Scalise first emphasized that it’s the middle class and lower class that’s hurt most by Bidenflation, saying:
“You know who pays the most from Joe Biden’s inflation? It is lower and middle-income families. They are getting crushed by these higher prices.”
Then, turning to the “how” part of that equation and giving some examples of skyrocketing costs, Rep. Scalise said:
“You go to the grocery store, and everything is 20-30% higher. Fertilizer is 300% higher or more when you talk to farmers. That’s ultimately going to lead to even higher prices.
And then Joe Biden, by the way, proposed $45 billion in new taxes on oil and gas. So, if you are angry about the price you are paying already, which is too high at the pump, Joe Biden wants you to pay more.”
Continuing and turning from the headling issue, inflation, to Biden’s other shortcomings, namely what Rep. Scalise characterizes as a lie about taxes, he said:
“And oh, he broke his promise to you because he said if you make less than $400,000, you won’t pay anything in new taxes. You are already paying probably $3 or $4 a gallon every time you fill up because of Joe Biden’s failed policies. Those are tax increases on lower and middle-income families — the very people he promised he wouldn’t go after.”
While Rep. Scalise certainly took Biden to task over the inflation issue, he’s far from the only one concerned about the impact that inflation is having on America’s working class and middle class.
In fact, even Bloomberg, far from a right-wing outlet, has called out the effect that inflation will have on the average person and described the massive financial impact that the inflation crisis will have on ordinary Americans. In the words of that outlet:
Inflation will mean the average U.S. household has to spend an extra $5,200 this year ($433 per month) compared to last year for the same consumption basket, according estimates by Bloomberg Economics. The excess savings built up over the pandemic, and increases in wages, will cushion those costs, and allow spending to expand at a decent pace this year. But accelerated depletion of savings will increase the urgency for those staying on the sidelines to join the labor force, and the resulting increase in labor supply will likely dampen wage growth.
So yeah, that whole “$400,000” remark, even if meant to apply to households rather than individuals, hasn’t turned out to be true: the average American household makes a whole lot less than $400,000 and is paying that inflation tax, whatever Team Biden claims about prices and taxes. Let’s go Brandon!
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics