According to the Florida Highway Patrol in a report obtained by Breitbart, an illegal immigrant named Jose Virgillio Carcamo Elvir was driving drunk in Walton County, Florida on April 3rd. As tends to happen when drunk driving, he caused an accident, plowing into the car in front of him and creating an eight-car pileup.
In so doing, the 42-year-old illegal immigrant killed a 72-year-old American citizen and grievously injured three others, killing one many and harming three more despite not even being supposed to be in the country in the first place.
Further, it’s not like he was just a bit tipsy and got into a regular accident that escalated beyond his control. He was, according to witnesses, so drunk that he smelled of alcohol and was stumbling around drunk after the accident, only able to keep balance by holding onto the vehicle. The police also supposedly found empty Budweiser cans in his truck.
Breitbart adds that:
Jose Virgilio Carcamo Elvir, a 42-year-old illegal alien, was charged with one count of DUI manslaughter, three counts of DUI causing serious bodily injury, driving with an expired license, and driving with open alcohol containers.
The Walton County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that Elvir is an illegal alien living in the United States and that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has placed a detainer on him so that, if he is released, they will take over custody.
Governor DeSantis’ office was quick to send a statement to Breitbart, blasting both the illegal immigrant for the horrific crime he committed and Biden’s border policy for letting such an individual into the United States in the first place. According to Breitbart, DeSantis’s office said:
“Just weeks after a Haitian criminal alien brutally murdered a Florida husband and wife in Daytona Beach, another innocent Floridian lost his life at the hands of an illegal alien in Walton County.
“How much senseless violence and suffering will Americans endure, while the Biden Administration doubles down on their reckless open-borders agenda?”
The Haitian criminal they reference is Jean Robert Macean. He, an illegal immigrant from Haiti, viciously murdered a Florida couple for unknown reasons, brutally hacking and slashing them to death.
DeSantis tore into Biden’s border policies after details of that blood-curdling crime began to emerge too, giving a press conference and saying:
“Floridians should not be subject to the reckless open border policies that the Biden Administration is imposing on this country. These policies are deadly — we also need answers as to why the State Attorney’s Office dropped charges against the defendant.”
“The Aultmans suffered at the hands of an illegal immigrant due to open border policies that are failing our citizens. the Biden Administration announced a new Temporary Protected Status designation for Haiti last year, a reversal of the policy of the previous administration. The policy allowed Macean to stay in the country.”
Illegal immigrants are killing Americans despite not even being supposed to be here. Thanks, Brandon.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics
This story syndicated with permission from Gen Z Conservative