Has America’s senile Commander in Chief been compromised by our nation’s greatest enemy and most dangerous competitor, Communist China?
According to Senator Chuck Grassley, who appeared on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime” to discuss the Joe Biden situation, it sure looks like it.
Senator Grassley said as much after Watters led the conversation off, asking “Do you have evidence, senator, that would lead to you believe that Joe is potentially compromised by the Chinese?”
Grassley responded in the affirmative, saying that though he didn’t have enough evidence to prove anything definitively about Slow Joe, he does have enough evidence to raise eyebrows and questions, making an investigation into Biden’s business activities necessary. In his words:
“I only have enough evidence that that’s a legitimate question. I do not have evidence that goes as far as you would like to have me say it goes. If I could say it, I would say it.”
Continuing, Sen. Grassley proceeded to lay out the different transactions that Hunter was involved in with Red China, transactions that sure look suspicious, especially when viewed as part of a pattern. Speaking on them, Sen. Grassley said:
“What we do know is that Hunter Biden is had arrangements with Chinese business people, the CEFC corporation, it’s an energy company, those Chinese business people had connections to the military and the Chinese Communist Party. We know that they received $5 million one time. James received a million dollars one time. Then we got all sorts of bank records saying on a regular order that $100,000 for many months to Hunter Biden, $ 65,000 to James Biden.”
Then, describing what those transactions show and why they’re important in the context of the Biden presidency, Sen. Grassley said “And then it raises the question. Does this compromise the national security of the United States? Do they have enough on them to get something out of a president of the United States? I can’t answer that question.”
Watters followed up, at that point, by asking “Doesn’t that lead most fair-minded people to believe that maybe that money is influencing the president of the United States’ decisions and that could affect our national security?”
Grassley, trying to toe the line of saying “yes” without making any definitive statements that he’d have trouble proving later, said “It could mean that. If I had enough evidence to say that you’re 100% right, I would be willing to say that. But I think I have a reputation of just going by the facts and following the money, and right now, I can’t go that far.”
That’s a big deal. At the very least, Hunter’s business activities look very suspicious and were a mistake in judgment, something that will forever be an albatross around Joe’s neck. At the worst, Red Chinese dollars are influencing the sitting president of the United States because that president’s formerly crack addict, nardo-well son traveled the world and collected cash based on his dad’s name.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics