The point of the 2nd Amendment isn’t to preserve access to the tools necessary to go hunting, nor even to give you the right to defend yourself from criminals, though both of those ancillary effects of it are certainly important and good to have. No, the real point of the 2nd Amendment is to give you the right to defend yourself from a tyrannical government and the tools necessary to carry out such a defense.
Predictably, Biden completely missed that and falsely characterized the reason for the 2nd Amendment during his recent pro-gun control speech, saying:
And I know it’s controversial, but I got it done once: Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. (Applause.)
I was getting criticized when I first passed this law when I was a senator. And guess what? I was down in southern Delaware — they do a lot of hunting and fishing down there — and I was walking up one of the creek beds. And a guy standing said, “You want to take my gun?” I said, “I don’t want to take your gun.” He said, “Well, you’re telling me I can’t have more than X number of bullets in a — in a — in my gun.” And I said, “What — do you think the deer you’re hunting wear Kevlar vests? What the hell you need 20 bullets for? You must be a hell of a terrible shot.” (Laughter.)
No, I’m serious. Think about it. Think about the mass shootings. As many as a hundred rounds. It’s a weapon of war. It has nothing to do with recreation.
BIDEN: “I know it’s controversial but I got it done once—ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines!”
“What do you think the deer you’re hunting wear Kevlar vests? What the hell ya need 20 bullets for? You must be a hell of a terrible shot. No, I’m serious. Think about it.” pic.twitter.com/lZDZo4c7qP
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 11, 2022
For one, even were his premise that the 2nd Amendment is meant for hunting is granted, hog hunting does require large magazines and the thick bones of boar can act quite like Kevlar, making bullets that can punch through Kevlar necessary. Yes, those aren’t the pigs the 2nd is meant for, but it’s worth noting that even if his premise is granted his statement is dumb.
Regardless, it also shows that he completely missed the point of the 2nd Amendment, No, 20 bullets generally aren’t needed for deer and deer don’t wear Kevlar. But the thugs that enforced Trudeau’s tyrannical diktats in Canada do; the jackbooted thugs that murdered the Branch Davidians did; whatever shock troops Biden would raise were he to confiscate the assault weapons he wants to ban would.
The point of the 2nd Amendment is that we, as Americans, are citizens rather than subjects. We’re not powerless under the boot of the feds, but rather free men and women with a right to live free and the tools necessary to defend that right.
In any case, Biden went on to claim that he actually supports the 2nd, later saying:
And, by the way — it’s going to sound bizarre — I support the Second Amendment. You have a right. But from the very beginning, the Second Amendment didn’t say you can own any gun you want, big as you want. You couldn’t buy a cannon when, in fact, the Second Amendment passed. And certain people from the very beginning weren’t allowed to purchase guns. It’s nothing new. It’s just rational.
That’s yet another lie; private citizens could and did buy and own cannons. Once again, Slow Joe missed the point and got the facts wrong.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from The Liberty Leader