If you were to list things that you least want to see and/or listen to, a Zoom call with “Dr.” Jill and Hillary Clinton would probably be somewhere on the list. It wouldn’t be at the top, as Kamala is still lurking out there and could always get involved, but having to listen to Hillary and JIll prattle on about whatever craziness is on their minds isn’t what the average American wants to hear.
So, predictably, that’s exactly what Team Biden went ahead and did; Jill and Hillary did a Zoom call that was just terrible. Watch it here:
“”Dr.” Jill Biden and wanna-be-President Hillary Clinton are currently on a CRINGE zoom call that sounds like a telethon for a natural disaster. 🥴”
“Dr.” Jill Biden and wanna-be-President Hillary Clinton are currently on a CRINGE zoom call that sounds like a telethon for a natural disaster. 🥴 pic.twitter.com/AfGgwsjSr2
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) April 11, 2022
The conversation, part of the annual meeting for the Clinton Global Initiative University, was just horrific. It sounds like the two, when attempting to discuss public education and community colleges, were really attempting to read the poorly written script for a commercial that appears on 2am TV. Or, as Benny said, “like a telethon for a natural disaster.”
Though perhaps Benny’s depiction is too kind, as at least those telethons bring in donations from do-gooders rather than those who just want to buy influence with the Clintons…
Hillary, for her part, had announced the meeting on Twitter earlier, saying:
Join me and @FLOTUS today to talk about the power of community colleges, the future of the American workforce, and more.
We’ll help kick off this week’s #CGIU22 meeting at 12pm ET, with many more speakers to come over the next few days. Follow along at http://cgiu.org/2022.
Join me and @FLOTUS today to talk about the power of community colleges, the future of the American workforce, and more.
We’ll help kick off this week’s #CGIU22 meeting at 12pm ET, with many more speakers to come over the next few days. Follow along at https://t.co/AUtMljZW8b. pic.twitter.com/V25b1U9pTZ
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 11, 2022
Despite the terrible nature of the video, this wasn’t the first time that Hillary and “Dr.” Jill have teamed up to host a video call together. They did so back in 2020 as part of the Biden campaign, as Pavlovic Today reported at the time, saying:
Thursday, June 4th, Dr. Jill Biden and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were headliners in a Zoom fundraiser for Joe Biden’s campaign, an event hosted by Missouri Democrats and businesspeople. The online event featured a discussion of the current state of the nation in addition to why Joe Biden is necessary to restore “the soul of this nation”. According to Joyce Aboussie, a St. Louis businesswoman, democratic activist, and the Zoom moderator, the event raised $750,000.
Being in 2020, that one predictably focused on George Floyd and Covid, again according to Pavlovic Today:
Dr. Biden acknowledged how much changed since the arrangement of this Zoom event. Since they organized the event, there were over 100,000 COVID-19 related deaths. She also noted that “in just 2 and a half months, the more than 40 million Americans who filed for unemployment since the pandemic began, and the horrific killing of George Floyd.”
But the two didn’t learn a thing, apparently, because this last one was a cringe disaster that seemed more like a PBS telethon than a video call between two of the most important women on the left.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics