Apparently, CNN’s resident potato, Brian Stelter, doesn’t want an African-American to buy Twitter. Or, at least not a certain African-American: Elon Musk.
You see, after Elon announced his offer to buy Twitter and take it private as a way to protect free speech on the platform, Brian Stelter followed in the rainbow footsteps of many other leftists and completely lost it. Watch that freak out here:
Desperate to give Twitter’s board ammo to prevent the hostile takeover, Stelter argues they were trading at $80 “12-14 months ago … and if they just get rid of Elon Musk and get rid of this problem, they can get back to there.” pic.twitter.com/xUv9ApyIYe
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) April 14, 2022
Is that a promise?
Bill Cohen of Puck News says blue-check journos are only on Twitter for the drama and if Elon Musk “radicalizes it and brings back Trump” then “half the audience leaves” and it will be an “echo chamber.”
Stelter suggests it could become like “Parlor or Rumble” pic.twitter.com/rbJbFJzGdI— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) April 14, 2022
Bloomberg News’s Brad Stone claims Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter is just a “public performance” and he’s not serious about buying the company and scoff’s at $54-a-share (ignoring how much over trade value it is). pic.twitter.com/RVhv7zCJO5
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) April 14, 2022
It’s funny how blatant and ridiculous Stelter’s attempts to keep Elon from buying Twitter and restoring free speech to the platform. He makes stock price suggestions, says maybe a wealthy leftist could buy it, and otherwise tries to find ways to stop Elon from buying Twitter.
As you can hear, Stelter first tried to suggest that Elon would have trouble financing the purchase, saying:
Yes, sure, I’d like to buy Twitter too but I don’t have $43 billion and neither does Elon Musk in terms of liquidity. As one expert said this morning, he has the wealth but not the money. He would need to financing because so much of Elon Musk’s wealth, the reason why he is the richest man in the world, it’s all tied up in stock, including especially in Tesla stock.
So, if he wants to go through with this, and it’s hard to know exactly how serious he ever is about anything, given that he loves posting memes on Twitter, he loves pushing the envelope and creating controversy, but if he is really serious, he’s going to have to sell some shares of Tesla or other companies, and he’s going to have to get financing, get others on board.
Then, after duly noting that Musk has filed the necessary paperwork for a run, Stelter brought up the Trump question and noted the free speech aspect of the question, responding with horror to the idea that Musk might bring free speech back to the platform, saying:
Yes, that’s right. Remember, even when Musk was on there flirting with the board, just buying up shares last week, there was a media talk about whether Donald Trump would be reinstated. It’s bigger than Trump, of course, as well though. This is about global freedom of speech issues. Musk says he wants a much more permissive atmosphere on Twitter. And if he were to make company private, he could then do whatever he wanted.
Already, we’re seeing some Republican lawmakers cheering Musk on. Here’s Lauren Boebert on Twitter, of course, saying Musk is showing us free speech is worth fighting for. I hope Twitter’s board sees the light. Elon, don’t let us down.
Then he got to his main point, the obvious way he intends to get the board to stop Elon’s purchase offer, which is claiming that it would somehow hurt shareholders. Speaking on that, Stelter said:
Again, it’s always hard to tell even if people taking Musk seriously. Is he serious? Look at some of the polls he posted on Twitter in recent weeks with ideas about converting the headquarters into a homeless shelter and taking the W out of Twitter. He’s been having a lot of fun with this at other’s expense, frankly, Jim, at shareholders’ expense.
This is the stock last year, it was up at $70-plus. Now, it’s been down 30s and 40s. He’s offering $54.20, 420, that’s a marijuana reference. As you can see today, there are some investors interested in this. But notice what’s happened. This stock has not gone to $54 today. That means some investors aren’t buying it. They don’t believe Musk is that serious.
But the board has to take this very seriously.
Brian “the Potatohead” Stelter is freaking out about Elon’s possible run. For all those of us who want a return to sanity and free speech on the platform, that sure is a good sign, though it does also show the vitriolic way in which leftists will react to Elon’s suggestion.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics