When a feminist student asked Charlie Kirk what he would say to feminists who believe that men who desire to be seen as women should be entitled to all the rights and privileges thereto, Kirk was able to shut down her feelings-based argument with only a few, simple questions that she was unable to answer.
Kirk was speaking at the University of Arkansas as part of TPUSA’s “Educate Don’t Mandate” tour in March when the student asked, “what would you say to feminists, specifically those— I think you would consider biological women— who are in support of trans women being able to access historically women’s spaces like female bathrooms and being able to participate in women’s sports?”
“Are you one of those feminists?” Kirk asked the student. She confirmed that she was, and Kirk asked her “what is a woman?”
She answered with a syllogism, using the word itself to define the word, saying that a woman is “somebody who identifies as a woman.”
To be clear, and to allay any confusion, a woman is an adult human female.
“Can I become a woman?” Kirk asked.
“Do you have gender dysphoria?” the woman asked.
“Thankfully, no,” Kirk replied.
“Then no,” the woman said.
“So only if you have gender dysphoria, you can identify as a woman?” Kirk asked.
“It’s a medical condition,” she said.
“It’s a medical condition. So anyone at any time can become a woman,” Kirk said, seeking clarity.
“Uh, no,” she said, although at this point she seemed sort of confused, as though her definition of “woman” as someone who simply “identified” as such perhaps had absolutely no basis in fact and she was making up an answer as she went along in order to prop up a nonsensical ideology.
“Well anyone could have gender dysphoria,” Kirk said, “You claim it upon yourself. You know what? I’m actually thinking I might actually have gender dysphoria. So can I become a woman?”
“Well, I wish you the best in your transition,” she said, “and I hope that society accepts you.” This despite it being obvious that she did not think Kirk was a woman in the slightest.
Kirk continued to press the woman to try to accept reality, asking about the disturbing occurrences of athletes who are biologically, and in every sense of the word, male, who have taken it upon themselves to say they are girls and compete against them in sports.
“What is cheating?” He asked.
To this, the woman suggested she pull up the “dictionary definition,” despite having been unwilling to do that in the case of the word woman, or stating that cheating is done by someone who identifies as a cheater, which would have fit with her logic thus far.
“Like give an example,” Kirk said, “maybe taking something from somebody or a strong person, maybe using their power against the weak?”
“Sure,” she concurred.
“Okay,” Kirk said, “Using their power against the weak. Okay, is Lia Thomas, or William Thomas, biologically stronger than the competitors that he/she was against?”
“I don’t, uh, I’m not, I don’t know about that specific situation,” she said, “probably because she has never won.” In fact, Thomas won many races handily and even took home a national women’s title.
“She won the national title,” Kirk explained.
“Yes,” the student said, “one national title.”
“After the transition, right. Okay. Is that fair?” He asked.
“Yes,” she said.
“So the other women against the man,” Kirk said, “were born with less bone density, lower testosterone levels. What are they supposed to do to make it even?”
“I would not know in that specific situation,” she said.
“So there’s nothing they can do because men have more testosterone, muscle mass, and bone density,” Kirk explained. “So wouldn’t that be cheating?”
The feminist, female student seemed thoroughly stumped when faced with the reality that yes, a person who lives in a male body who competes against women in sports is, by a definition, she agreed with, cheating.
“Got it,” Kirk said. “And you’re a feminist.”
I am,” she said.
“What women are you trying to protect?”
“Women, all women,” she said.
“That you can’t define,” he pointed out.
“Regardless of whether or not they’ve transitioned,” she continued, parroting the comments of so many confused leftists who refuse to define the term “woman” out of fear that it might offend a male person who thinks he is one.”Whether or not they’ve transitioned,”
Kirk said. “Well, I wish you well, in the coming situation where now as a feminist, you’re going to have to live under the tyranny of men who think they’re women.”
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics