The line between weird and based (unapologetically right-wing) can be a hard one to strike, but when the line is toed just right, things get awesome.
Such was the case with the release of the trailer for Tucker Carlson’s new documentary, “The End of Men,” a documentary on falling testosterone levels in American men and the few titans who are trying to do something about it.
Introducing the trailer, Tucker said:
One of the biggest stories of our lifetimes is the total collapse of testosterone levels in American men. Those levels are declining by roughly 10 percent per decade, completely changing the way people are at the most fundamental level. The NIH doesn’t seem interested in this at all (sarcastically) “It’s not a big deal.” We think it is a huge deal, so we wanna know what’s causing it and what we can do about it.
Indeed. But perhaps his new documentary will teach people how to avoid that catastrophe. Watch the full trailer here:
Feeling very blessed to appear in the trailer for the new Tucker Carlson original, The End of Men, which aired on Fox last night. Expect to hear and see even more of me in the full documentary. The march of raw egg nationalism continues! pic.twitter.com/aubloI5hka
— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) April 16, 2022
Yes, it’s real. It’s one of the new Tucker Carlson Originals. The left predictably lost it after the trailer came out, having a hard time deciding whether to call it “homoerotic” or like something the Nazis would produce. So apparently Tucker’s a gay Nazi because he’s worried about declining testosterone levels in males.
Leni Riefenstahl would be proud of Tucker Carlson https://t.co/lSZZBj9cAc
— Annika Brockschmidt (@ardenthistorian) April 16, 2022
Tucker Carlson’s new TV show promo is so homoerotic they banned it in Florida. https://t.co/XIWDXZyvgI
— Liam Nissan™ (@theliamnissan) April 16, 2022
Of course, that’s ridiculous. Championing male vitality isn’t fascist nor is it gay, something people used to understand.
However, while those criticisms are absurd, as you probably noticed, some of it is based and some toes the line of being..weird.
On one hand, the main content of the documentary seems focused on issues like microplastics, industrial agriculture, chemicals in the water and food, and a lack of exercise turning American men soft and weak.
Hence why there’s the JFK speech about why there’s nothing more unfortunate than fat kids and why Americans should adopt a strenuous life. Watch that speech here:
There’s certainly a point to that; if we’re to preserve our liberty, we need to be able to defend it, and that means being athletic enough to do so. Hence why shooting, wrestling, and exercise are champtioned in the trailer.
Similarly, sunlight and well-toned bodies are symbols of vitality and living the good life, both of which also ties into the message of the trailer and some of the figures in it: men need to ditch the poisonous aspects of modernity and start living well again.
Finally, the message flashing throughout the trailer, the old line about strong men creating good times, good times creating weak men, weak men creating hard times, and hard times, is a message that the soft Americans of the present need to hear.
Oh, and that example of Biden slipping on the stairs of Air Force One as what a “weak man” looks like is hilarious.
But there are a few flashes of weirdness. There’s the red-light tanning of testicles, something Tucker also has brought up with Kid Rock. Perhaps it’s effective at boosting testosterone levels, but the images of naked men standing in the sun and red light are certainly striking and odd to some.
Then there’s the guy drinking a glass of raw eggs in the sunlight, something that’s become very popular among members of the very online right. Supposedly it’s good for you, but the video of a guy downing a glass of raw eggs is also a bit odd.
Overall, however, the trailer is epic and just what Americans need to be hearing; falling testosterone levels are a cataclysmic problem, one that needs to be dealt with. Hopefully the documentary is as epic as the trailer.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics