To any honest observer, it should be pretty clear right now that the GOP is ascendant and the Democrats are struggling mightily thanks to the utter failure of Slow Joe’s leadership. His policies have brought only failure and, as his policies are obviously leftist in nature, the Democrats are blamed for those failures.
But many leftists aren’t honest observers, particularly those in the MSM. So, rather than openly discuss why the left isn’t doing too well right now and reflect on what it is about their policies that Americans might not like, they’ve gone all-in on lying.
Donna Brazile, the one who leaked presidential debate questions to Hillary during the 2016 presidential race, it’s not the DNC but the GOP that’s struggling right now. In fact, according to that corrupt hack, it’s the GOP that’s “running on fumes” right now.
That came on the Sunday program of ABC’s “This Week,” on which leftist strategist Brazile said:
“All we have to do is wait over the next 37 days as 11 or 12 states hold their primaries. You have big primaries in Ohio and North Carolina, Pennsylvania where the former president has already tipped the scales and supported one candidate over another.
The Republicans are essentially running on fumes. They’re running on the energy of 2020, which is the big lie. Democrats are running on an economy that’s roaring back, that is fighting inflation, that is helping the Ukrainians. Democrats will run on what they delivered. Republicans are going to run on the fumes of 2020.”
Her response was in reply to a question from Stephanopoulos, who asked “So, Donna, you see, Mitch McConnell referenced 1994, a complete bloodbath for Democrats. Is that what it’s going to take for Democrats to hold on, survive in midterm elections for Republicans to screw up?”
And it was utterly absurd. In fact, it was so absurd that even Chris Christie, himself far more of a court-jester conservative (hence why he was on ABC) than a rock-ribbed conservative, called her on it, saying:
Come on. We’re running on the gas that Joe Biden is giving us at $5 a gallon. That’s what we’re running on.
We’re running on $5 gasoline. We’re running on 8.5 percent inflammation. We’re running on a failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. We are running on a president who — and the Democratic Party, that their own party, people like Larry Summers and Joe Manchin just said this week created this inflation through the rescue plan in January.
So, I said this last week, I’m more than thrilled for Donna and her group to continue to run on what’s happened over the last 15, 16 months. If they do, it will be — I don’t know if it will be a 1994 bloodbath, but I don’t think there’s enough seats left in play, George, to get to those numbers.
But I think you can see a 35, 40-seat win for the Republicans in the House if it continues. And you can see us at 52 or 53 in the Senate.
Indeed. Biden has been an utter disaster and voters can see it, so Democrats are going to suffer mightily at the polls as a result. That’s not a “big lie” nor is the GOP running on fumes. Rather, it’s the left that’s about to shudder to a halt and collapse.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics