Recently, Maxine Waters, one of the nastiest Democrats of all, launched a vile, slanderous attack on Alabama Governor Ivey, saying that Governor Ivey was “racist” for releasing an ad in which she expressed concern about the deleterious consequences of letting a tidal wave of illegal immigrants flood into the country and vowed to stand up for her state’s interests. Specifically, nasty Maxine said:
“This is plain racist ignorance in your face. And so, when you talk about responding, it’s more like ignoring and keeping up the fight against racism and discrimination and making sure that we do everything we can to get those who are elected out of office and elect progressive people.“
The ad was, of course, not racist: it was just a defense of immigration law, something that should have been obviously good to all. Immigration law is there for a reason, so its defense should be cheered, not attacked.
But Maxine saw the opportunity to start race-baiting, so she did so and slandered Governor Ivey as a racist for defending US immigration law.
Well, not willing to sit silently as nasty Maxine Waters viciously attacked her. So, she hit back in a statement that will certainly please the citizens of ruby-red Alabama, saying:
“There’s nothing racist with telling the truth about the disaster Joe Biden is causing with illegals invading our country. I’m not going to be lectured by a liberal Congresswoman from California. We’ll handle our business in Alabama.”
There’s nothing racist with telling the truth about the disaster Joe Biden is causing with illegals invading our country. I’m not going to be lectured by a liberal Congresswoman from California. We’ll handle our business in Alabama. https://t.co/iiU5H0V7wp
— Kay Ivey (@kayiveyforgov) April 18, 2022
Indeed. Often, even rebutting leftist charges of racism is a mistake, as it makes people think their arguments might be even somewhat serious.
But, in this case, it might have been a good decision, as it’s just objectively true that the border crisis is a problem and wanting to deal with isn’t at all racist, despite what pretty much every Democrat says, but is rather just common sense.
That’s doubly true when the scale of the border crisis is put in perspective. For example, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection:
“In total, there were 221,303 encounters along the southwest land border in March, a 33 percent increase compared to February. Of those, 28 percent involved individuals who had at least one prior encounter in the previous 12 months, compared to an average one-year re-encounter rate of 14 percent for FY2014-2019.”
That’s a huge number of illegals flooding across our border, a number liable to only increase as Team Biden does away with Title 42 and makes it even harder for border authorities to deal with the illegal immigration threat.
Calling out the problem, as Governor Ivey did, isn’t racist. It’s common sense. No wonder lefties like Maxine Waters hate it: they hate that which they can’t understand, particularly common sense.
So, if you’re ever attacked like Governor Ivey was, viciously slandered for daring to speak the common sense truth, just respond as she did: be unrepentant and vigorously defend the truth. That’s what exposes their lies and obvious insanity.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics