It was the White House Easter Egg roll recently and Biden, as could be predicted, made a mess of things.
The most noted part of the event so far is that Biden had to be ushered away from reporters by the Easter Bunny (what staffer had that miserable job?) after he started rambling to reporters about Afghanistan.
But, in the eyes of many Christians, that wasn’t even the worst part of the whole thing. No, to many people, the worst part was what was missing from his speech before the even kicked off. Here’s the short speech, as provided by the White House Briefing Room. See if you can tell what’s missing from the Easter speech:
My job is to keep it from raining — (laughter) — for another two minutes.
Jill and I are excited to have you at the White House. The — we weren’t able to host this Easter Egg Roll last year because of the pandemic. But this year — this year, we’re finally getting together again, and it’s so special. It means — it means so much to see and hear the children and all the families show up to be here today.
The joy, the laughter, and the occasional — at least with my young grandson, who’s only two — the occasional, “There’s the Easter Bunny.” (Laughs.) A little startled sometimes.
But the joy and the laughter is something that has been a wonderful tradition here at the White House for a long, long time.
I especially want to thank the White House Associat- — Historical Association, the National Park Service, and America’s Egg Board for all their hard work to make this day possible. Let’s give them a round of applause. (Applause.)
To all of you, have fun today and welcome to the White House. Welcome to your house. Welcome to the South Lawn.
Thank you and happy, happy Easter. (Applause.) All right.
Yes, despite the event being meant to celebrate Easter, Slow Joe didn’t mention God once. Despite the whole point of the day being that Christ sacrificed himself for our sins and then rose again three days later, Biden didn’t mention Christ, God, or any of the meaning behind Easter.
Nor did “Dr.” Jill Biden, who gave a short speech just before Biden did. She said:
Good morning, and welcome to the Easter Egg Roll! (Applause.) The President and I are so excited that you are here.
As your First Lady and as a teacher, I’ve seen again and again that learning doesn’t only happen in a classroom. There are so many fun opportunities to learn around us every day. And that’s especially true here at the White House.
For generations, Presidents and First Ladies and kids, just like you, celebrated the Easter Egg Roll together — racing and making crafts, reading books, and, of course, meeting the Easter Bunny. (Applause.)
Education never stops. The determined spirit of education is what we wanted to honor in this Easter Egg Roll. So, we turned the South Lawn into a school community.
Today, we hope you learn that re- — we help you learn by going to the reading nook, roll some eggs, and, most of all, have fun.
Welcome to your house, the People’s House. Happy Easter!
Now, please welcome my husband, our President, Joe Biden. (Applause.)
Again, references to the Easter Bunny and Easter eggs, but not a word about the reason for the season or the story of Easter.
This was an Easter event. It’s meant to celebrate Easter. How far has America fallen when its leader isn’t even supposed to recognize God, the Christian God of the vast majority of Americans, on one of the holiest days for Christians?
Biden is supposedly a “strong Catholic.” If he can meet with the Pope and discuss his religion in that context, why no mention of Christ’s sacrifice on Easter? Such must be the sinful wages of wokeness.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics