Are you ready for a massive wave of humanity to roll over the Texas border, crushing what border enforcement mechanism we have in place and overrunning the established ports of entry?
Well, ready or not, that’s supposedly what is coming, particularly once Title 42 is lifted by Team Biden and it becomes even harder to kick the border invaders out of the country; once that comes, it sounds like all hell will break loose at the border.
News on that surprisingly comes from NBC Nightly News, which interviewed TX Sheriff Eddie Guerra, a Democrat, about the upcoming border crisis and what he sees as the likely result of ending Title 42.
Despite being a Democrat, he wasn’t in the least positive about revoking Title 42, correctly seeing the decision to do so as a disastrous one that would require extreme measures from law enforcement.
In fact, after Guerra said that he’s asking “them to reconsider lifting Title 42,” NBC correspondent involved in the program, Julia Ainsley, said that “Sheriff Eddie Guerra says he’s been told by Border Patrol to have his officers on standby in case the ports of entry are overrun.”
Ports of entry being “overrun.” That doesn’t sound good. And Guerra, immediately afterward, made it sound even worse. Describing what measures would have to be taken to stop the tidal wave of humanity barreling across the border and overwhelming ports of entry, Guerra said:
“We’re talking about the deputies dressed in their riot gear with their shields and their helmets and batons to keep the crowd at bay.”
Sounds like the Roman legions of Marcus Aurelius beating back the hordes of Germanic invaders at the border; armor-clad men with shields beating back a tidal wave of humanity.
Given how the left freaked out at the image of a border patrol agent riding a horse, footage of that Biden-induced crisis likely won’t lead to a great reaction from the bleeding hearts that wring their hands and clutch their pearls at the sight of tougher people doing what needs to be done.
In any case, Ainsley, giving a slightly less dire but still worrisome prediction of what the border could look like in the coming weeks, said:
“Migrants who cross through the Rio Grande Valley come through this bus station in downtown McAllen. And officials here worry that if the numbers get too high, it could overwhelm the bus station, the shelters, leaving people with nowhere to go and sleeping on the street.”
This won’t end well. As Breitbart reported about the revocation of Title 42 when that decision was announced, many are predicting a “mass migration event” at the border. In its words:
A high-level source within the Department of Homeland Security says the agency set a tentative date of April 1, 2022, to end the emergency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention migrant expulsion authority, Title 42. The move, according to the source has the agency scrambling to deal with the mass migration event expected to hit the U.S./Mexico border as a result of the action.
The source told Breitbart Texas the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is bracing for a wave of migrants to arrive at the southern border and is preparing to implement response plans that involve expanding capabilities to swiftly process and, in most cases, speed up releases of migrants into the United States on a scale never seen before.
That huge wave of people flooding across the border, particularly if Texas cops are overwhelmed and end up trying to beat them back with batons, isn’t going to end well. It’s well past time Team Biden wake up and start enforcing immigration laws and dealing with the crisis at the border. Their neglect has created a ticking time bomb.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics