Sen. Tim Scott, a GOP senator from South Carolina, will soon be speaking at the Reagan Library in California as part of the “Time for Choosing” speaker series. According to Axios, which obtained portions of his speech, Sen. Scott plans on using his platform to tear into CRT and the 1619 Project.
Beginning the attack on CRT and those that teach it, Axios reports that Senator Scott will first defend real education as being what gives people a step up and a chance to succeed, saying “It was education, hard work, and faith that allowed my family to go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime“.
Continuing, he’s then expected to defend parental rights regarding education, particularly the right of parents to know what radical theories the schools are pushing on their kids.
Axios quotes him as planning to attack both the victim mindset and “whites are oppressors” mindset in this section and say: “Parents have a right to know what their kids are being taught in the classroom… teaching kids that they are oppressors is just as bad as teaching kids they are always going to be victims.”
From there, Axios indicates that Sen. Scott will move on from CRT and schools to the other topics of the day, notably the inflation crisis and Biden’s weakness.
On the inflation topic, particularly relevant because of how hard inflation, which is at a 40-year-high, is hitting the pocketbooks of American families, Senator Scott is expected to say “President Reagan once said, ‘Inflation is as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber and as deadly as a hit man… Democrats’ leadership has led to a 40-year high in inflation, and they’re still pouring more money on this crisis. That’s not good for moms making decisions in homes like the one I grew up in.”
Indeed. The continued spending by the government seems to be adding yet more fuel to the fire, sending an already raging bonfire up yet another notch and making the crisis even worse.
But while inflation is certainly bad and a massive problem, it’s not the only problem we face. The other is America’s weakness, which is yet another problem that Team Biden has kicked into high gear. On that topic, Senator Scott is expected to say “President Biden’s weakness on the global stage has emboldened terrorists, bullies, and dictators … Bloodthirsty dictators like Putin only understand strength, and that’s what we must project from the United States.”
The inflation and American weakness topics are certainly safer than the CRT and race in education topic, so it will be interesting to see which areas Scott favors in his speech. If he has the guts to do so, then leaning into the CRT issue and explaining how terrible that vicious ideology is and how it harms America and American children could be particularly interesting and useful, particularly as it would be coming from a black Senator that overcame many obstacles to get where he is.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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