Mitt Romney’s going to need a good lawyer: Tulsi Gabbard is coming after him with a vengeance for the libelous lies he spread about her, having just sent a cease-and-desist letter to Mitt demanding that he stop spreading the “treasonous lies” lie about her.
The brilliant, strongly worded letter (perhaps Romney could learn a thing or two about how to have a spine by reading through it a few times), starts on an unapologetically strong note, saying:
Dear Senator Romney:
Our firm represents former Representative and Lieutenant Colonel Tulsi Gabbard (“Representative Gabbard”) regarding false and defamatory statements you made about Representative Gabbard on Twitter. This letter concerns an urgent matter requiring your prompt legal attention. Please direct all future correspondence regarding this matter to me (Harmeet@DhillonLaw.com), Karin Sweigart (KSweigart@DhillonLaw.com), and Jesse Franklin-Murdock (JFranklin-Murdock@DhillonLaw.com). To avoid litigation, we demand your response to this letter on or before April 27, 2022. If you are represented by counsel in this matter, please promptly alert us, and we will correspond directly with your attorneys.
Then, after a brief bit of background about Tulsi’s time in the military, the letter goes on to show what exactly it is that Mitt did wrong, with the language here being very important:
On March 13, 2022, you tweeted the following: “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.” Your tweet had no surrounding context and was not part of a broader conversation. Your accusation that Representative Gabbard, a combat veteran and current military officer, has engaged in “treasonous” activity is completely false, a fact of which you were well aware when you made your claim. And as explained below, your accusation that Representative Gabbard lied also has no basis in fact.
While your tweet lacked any context, we surmise that your tweet was made in reference to a video Representative Gabbard published on Twitter that same day[…]
Whether your tweet’s baseless accusations stemmed from Representative Gabbard’s
March 13, 2022, video or have some other unknown genesis, they were malicious and could not
be further from the truth. Representative Gabbard is loyal to the United States and its interests[…]
So, Tulsi is furious that Mitt falsely accused her of being a traitor, a serious accusation that, were it true, would carry with it the death penalty, and means to exact her revenge.
Such can be seen in the language of the letter: “malicious”, “baseless,” “no surrounding context,” and “not part of a broader conversation” are all terms and legalese that relate to defamation and libel, charges that Tulsi evidently plans on bringing against Mitt if he doesn’t back down.
And Tulsi evidently thinks those accusations have bite, as she’s demanding that Romney not only “retract/takedown all such statements you have made about Representative Gabbard and destroy all copies of those statements” but also enter into a settlement with her. If he doesn’t do both those things, then she’s threatening to drag him to court.
Admittedly, it’s difficult for a public official like Tulsi to win a defamation suit because of the standard used.
However, Tulsi (or her lawyers) think that she can win this one and say so in the letter, arguing: “Your allegation that Representative Gabbard spoke “treasonous lies” is clear-cut
defamation. “An “accusation of treason as that word is used in the United States Constitution” is
defamation per se.”
At the very least, she has a strong case, one that should leave Romney sweating and looking for legal counsel.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
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