It was 8:45 pm in a sleepy town in the Flint Township in Michigan when police from that township, state troopers, Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, the Burton Police Department, and Metro Police Authority of Genesee County, along with police from the city of Flint itself, were dispatched to the home of an 80-year-old man, a shooting having been reported at the residence.
Fortunately, however, despite all those police departments and different law enforcement officers being involved, a police presence was more or less unnecessary: the elderly homeowner had a firearm, knew how to use it, and stopped the thirty-one-year-old intruder with a wall of led that ended his predatory behavior for good. Or, as MLive bluntly put it, “The homeowner shot and killed the intruder.”
Adding a tad more detail in describing the night’s events, ABC 12 reports that:
A 31-year-old man allegedly broke into a residence in the 1000 block of West Bristol Road around 8:45 p.m. The 80-year-old resident confronted him with a weapon and fired at least one gunshot.
The 31-year-old, who was not identified Friday morning, was pronounced dead of his injuries, according to the Flint Township Police Department.
Two main things are positive about the story.
First, thank goodness the homeowner is safe. Had he been unarmed, or even armed with something other than a firearm that he could use well, the story could have had a much sadder ending. But, because he had the tool necessary to defend himself despite his advanced age, the homeowner has lived to fight another day and vanquished his younger attacker.
Second, it appears (so far) that in this case, unlike other high-profile self-defense cases such as Kyle Rittenhouse’s case or the case of George Zimmerman all those years ago, the homeowner won’t be dragged into court to have to defend himself from the legal assault of some pro-criminal prosecutor. Rather, it appears that the law-abiding citizen was released by the police after the incident. Perhaps that will change, but for now, ABC is reporting that he was let go.
That makes sense under Michigan’s self-defense law, particularly Michigan law as it relates to self-defense. As a law firm in the state describes it, “Under Michigan’s “Castle Doctrine” law, a person also has the right to use deadly force against someone who has broken into their home.”
Though the investigation isn’t complete, it here appears that the alleged intruder shot by the elderly homeowner was breaking into the house when he was shot. Thus, under the Castle Law doctrine, the 80-year-old was well within his rights to stop the invasion with lead.
That’s particularly true as Michigan, according to the same law firm, has no duty requiring one to retreat in a self-defense situation if the use of deadly force is justified, such as in a home invasion scenario.
Thus, it appears that the homeowner was well within his rights to start blasting and stop the intruder with deadly force.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics