It was a tumultuous news cycle this week, with scores of candidates to choose from for the week’s top knucklehead. Our Commander-in-Chief allowed himself to be manhandled by the Easter Bunny, and his lady in waiting, Vice-President Kamala Harris, waxed poetic about how exciting space is. Yet neither of those options even receive an honorable mention this week. Ultimately, we could not ignore the imbecilic decision of former Fox News host Chris Wallace, whose defection to CNN has been looking worse with every passing day. This week’s announcement that CNN+ is closing its doors less than a month after they opened sealed the deal for Wallace.
Winner: Chris Wallace left holding the bag with CNN+ shutting down operations next Friday, only weeks after they began.
Say what you want about Chris Wallace, but during his years with Fox News, he never came across as a stupid guy, until the end. He’s a registered Democrat, but up until the fall of 2020 we typically only saw hints of his political leanings. Like his father, legendary 60 Minutes reporter Mike Wallace, Chris tended to be an astute, well-prepared, and tenacious interviewer.
But beginning with his dreadful and biased performance during the first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in late September 2020, Wallace’s aura of intelligence began to fade. Last December, Wallace announced he was leaving Fox News and heading to CNN, and the decision was a headscratcher from the moment we heard it. Questions abounded:
– It wasn’t necessarily a surprise that Wallace was leaving Fox, but why would he choose CNN, whose ratings rival those of late-night infomercials?
– Wallace has been a well-compensated anchor for years and must be financially well-off, did he really need the money that badly?
– With his leftism and resumé, why didn’t Wallace just bail on cable altogether and go to one of the broadcast networks like CBS where his dad worked?
– Does he really think he’s going to be the savior of CNN?
Wallace’s choice of CNN was truly puzzling from the get-go, but when the news broke that he was going to be heading up the on-air talent for the soon-to-be-launched premium streaming service known as CNN+, we really began to wonder what the heck he was thinking. Jumping to CNN, and then agreeing to be the face of CNN+, was akin to taking a new job at Chernobyl as the existing employees were walking out the door with a glow.
CNN had been a hot mess for several years. Scandals involving Chris Cuomo and producer John Griffin were already underway when Wallace joined, and a scandal involving former CNN President Jeff Zucker was only weeks away and well-known to be forthcoming to those in the industry. CNN had lost all credibility years ago and had become nothing more than a subject of ‘Fake News’ memes on social media. But most importantly, CNN had been hemorrhaging viewers for years, with an unthinkable decline of 90% only weeks after Wallace’s announcement.
When CNN announced that they were launching CNN+, many of us thought it was satire. You’re joking, right? Indeed, if Saturday Night Live was still intent on providing comedic entertainment instead of political propaganda, the idea that CNN would try and charge people for a service that no one was choosing when it was offered for free would have provided a lot of material.
Wait, you don’t want to watch our network? What if we charged you for it, would you watch it then? And what if we hired this discredited, washed-up host from Fox News, then you’d be happy to give us your money, wouldn’t you?
It’s laughable now, and it was equally laughable in December. Only Wallace never got the joke, and for that reason, Chris Wallace is a knucklehead.
Honorable Mention #1: Washington Post ‘journalist’ Taylor Lorenz unveils her complete hypocrisy.
Three weeks ago, Taylor Lorenz, who claims to be a journalist though she provides no evidence, went on MSNBC and quite literally began crying about the online “abuse” she receives from those of us on the right. That was pretty knuckleheaded of her, considering she’s one of the nastiest people on Twitter.
Two days later she attacked MSNBC for the backlash she received from the segment because it turns out that people don’t like when corrupt journalists let loose crocodile tears in an attempt for sympathy. That move was even more knuckleheaded of Lorenz.
But Lorenz took her stupidity and hypocrisy to new levels this week when she intentionally doxxed (revealed personal information about, including residence) the account owner of the popular “Libs of Tik-Tok” Twitter account. To make matters worse, Lorenz let her anti-Semitism show when she inexplicably included the fact that the owner in question is also an Orthodox Jew, as if that fact mattered. We all know that leftists like Lorenz are anti-Semitic hypocrites with no integrity, but they’re not supposed to make it so obvious. Maybe Jen Psaki needs to sit down and give her some more training.
Honorable Mention #2: Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) suggests he’ll consider running against Donald Trump in 2024 GOP primary.
Who is the worst ‘Republican In Name Only’ (RINO) in Congress? Strong cases can be made for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). But Adam Kinzinger is certainly in the discussion. No self-respecting Republican would agree to interview with the Huffington Post, but that is exactly what Kinzinger did, and during that conversation here’s what he had to say about the prospect of running against Trump for a presidential bid:
“I would love it. I really would. Even if he crushed me, like in a primary, to be able to stand up and call out the garbage is just a necessary thing, regardless of who it is.”
It’s difficult not to think of a comparable clown on the Democratic side of the aisle when discussing Kinzinger, who is eerily similar to Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA). Swalwell and Kinzinger are similar in appearance, they’re both morons, and for some reason, they both think running for president is a good idea. When Swalwell bailed out on his bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination, he was polling at exactly 0%. If it was possible, Adam Kinzinger’s polling numbers would be even worse.
PF Whalen
P.F. Whalen is a conservative author at TheBlueStateConservative.com. His work has appeared in multiple publications, including Human Events, the Western Journal, and American Thinker. Follow him on Parler and GETTR; he does not do Facebook and Twitter.
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PF Whalen
P.F. Whalen is a conservative author at TheBlueStateConservative.com. His work has appeared in multiple publications, including Human Events, the Western Journal, and American Thinker. Follow him on Parler and GETTR; he does not do Facebook and Twitter.
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