Rep. Tony Gonzales, a veteran and GOP legislator from Texas, sounded off on the disaster Biden and his horrific policies have wrought at the border during a Friday appearance on FNC’s “The Story.”
Comparing what’s currently happening to his time in the military and discussing the chaos at the border created by Biden and his band of fools, Re. Gonzales said:
“I mean, it is just nonstop on the border. What I look at is, I am ready, willing, and able to work with anybody who wants to solve this crisis. It’s certainly not the administration, but what you’re seeing in the House, you’re seeing more and more Democrats being willing to roll up their sleeves and come together.
“I served 20 years in the military and I served five years in Iraq and Afghanistan. The situation on the border is very similar to war. And whether it’s the National Guard, whether it’s the sheriffs, local law enforcement, Border Patrol agents, everybody is sucked up into this chaos.
“This guardsman’s a hero. I mean, he or she removed their armor before jumping in the water to save a life. I mean, that is powerful. That’s the part that this administration isn’t seeing. I don’t understand how they can turn a blind eye to what is happening on the border. Migrants are dying at record numbers.”
Millions of migrants flooded across the border like a vast, unstoppable, tidal wave of humanity last year. About two million unauthorized migrants and “refugees” (read: illegal immigrants), to be specific.
That lends truth to Rep. Gonzales’ claims about the chaos at the border being like war in more ways than one.
First, there’s the basic truth that it’s chaotic down there thanks to the flood of humanity, confusion over the border policies currently in effect, and seeming encouragement to the immigrants wrought by Team Biden’s decision to end Title 42. None of that has made the lives of the border officials any easier, so the chaos part is certainly true.
But, beyond that, the mass migration we’re seeing is reminiscent of Alaric and his horde of Goths stabbing through weak Roman border defenses and plunging Europe into the dark ages. We’re seeing a massive wave of humanity approach the border, a wave that we can seemingly neither stop nor assimilate. That’s a problem, and again reminiscent of war, as Rep. Gonzalez is getting at.
And if things seem bad already, they’re about to get even worse. While migrants are already flooding the border, even more migrants are going to be headed to the border in May when Title 42 ends and deporting illegals becomes even more difficult, something that will further strain the already overburdened border resources.
As with war, immediate action needs to be taken to deal with the issue or the results could be disastrous. Unfortunately, Team Biden has shown no inclination at all to actually deal with or solve the problem, so America’s in for a good bit more trouble.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics