The DeSantis Vs. Disney clash illustrates why Ron DeSantis may be the youngest governor in the country but is undoubtedly the fasting rising star in American politics. DeSantis doesn’t cower, he’s not bashful, and he doesn’t shy away from a fight. On the contrary. Not only does Ron DeSantis take on his opponents without fear, he does so with absolute tenacity and relentlessness.
It didn’t take long, really. Last month, DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education bill in the face of fierce resistance from radical leftists who insisted on labeling it the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” DeSantis didn’t back down.
The Disney Corporation, a major employer in Florida, initially stayed quiet on the issue but ultimately succumbed to the intense pressure from radically leftist employees and weighed in on the controversy by launching criticisms at DeSantis and the state legislature. Again, DeSantis didn’t back down. Instead, he went on the offensive.
On Friday, only two days after officially requesting the bill from his legislature, Gov. DeSantis signed into law a bill that eliminates the sweetheart deal that Disney has enjoyed since 1968. Prior to Friday, Disney’s operations in Florida, including the massive theme park Disney World, enjoyed virtually complete autonomy. For all intents and purposes, Disney was its own government in Florida, and they reaped a slew of benefits as a result, including tax breaks.
But when they inexplicably decided to bow to the woke mob last month, DeSantis took the gloves off and delivered a knockout blow on Friday. And he took a shot at the company’s complete rejection of its heritage and historical values in the process by invoking the memory of the late Walt Disney himself.
“[The previous] partnership that developed early on with Walt Disney — I don’t think Walt would appreciate what’s going on with this company right now.”
DeSantis is correct, of course. The idea that Walt Disney’s company is now advocating for the seizure of parental rights and the promotion of the LGBTQ indoctrination of Florida’s children is absurd. Walt Disney built his company around traditional family values and the welfare of children. Disney recognized the wonders of childhood and celebrated them. The wokesters running his company today are a disgrace to his memory, and there is no doubt what Walt would think if he saw what was happening today.
Once again, Ron DeSantis has shown Republicans how to take on the plague of wokeness. Don’t back down, take them on and don’t hold back. And hit them where it hurts by stating obvious truths.
By Jordan Case
Jordan Case offers opinions from the unique perspective of both entrepreneur and parent and is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative. Jordan does not participate in the cesspool of social media.
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