Peter Schweizer is one of the men who has perhaps done the most to both expose Washington, D.C. corruption and find out what exactly is going on in the Swamp, particularly in terms of how it relates to China. He’s the celebrated author of numerous books about D.C. corruption, most recently the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, the President of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), and a frequent guest on cable news shows.
Most recently he appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures”, where he slammed the claim that Biden wasn’t involved in Hunter’s business activities and contended that, instead, Biden was actually “at the center” of the whole hurricane of corruption.
Speaking on that, Schweizer first said “This started out as a Hunter Biden story and is now with Joe Biden story. He is at the center. He is the planet which the moons in the family Hunter Biden and James Biden revolve.”
That’s a big claim, one that Team Biden would insist is untrue as it stands by Biden’s claim that he wasn’t involved in whatever it was that Hunter was up to, particularly with the Red Chinese. But Schweizer continued, saying:
“My only concern is the issue of the statute of limitations. Remember, this grand jury was convened in 2018 when COVID happened. They stepped aside and did not meet, so they lost about a year-end half. So hopefully, we will hear something from the grand jury very soon.”
“I think they got him dead to rights on tax evasion. The money laundering and other charges are equally very troublesome from team Biden and their nightmare scenario that there is a trial. They want to deal even if Hunter goes to jail for a little bit. They do not want to trial that will highlight the role the Joe Biden played in all of this.”
Describing Hunter’s activities n his book, Red-Handed, Schweizer said:
Hunter’s BHR was also contributing to the undermining of our national defense—buying companies in the United States that had clear military application that would benefit Beijing in its strategic competition with the United States. BHR bought an American company called Henniges Automotive, a firm known for anti-vibration technologies with military and civilian applications. The Chinese military interest in the company was obvious, especially given that BHR partnered with the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to close the deal. AVIC is one of China’s largest military contractors. U.S. officials have identified AVIC as a major culprit in the theft of U.S. defense technologies.
If that is accurate and Joe Biden wasn’t just tangentially related to it but rather at the center of the whole scheme, as Schweizer claims, that’s major news; it would mean that the sitting President of the United States was deeply involved in funding the destruction of the United States.
More will need to be proven to show that Joe was actually involved to the extent Schweizer says he was, but it looks like Schweizer has gotten a good start.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics