What do voters think of Slow Joe? Well, as has been widely reported already, they’re not huge fans of him and the disasters created by all of his horrible policies, particularly the ones that have led to chaos abroad, inflation at home, and American humiliation on the world stage.
But that’s not all. While voters dislike Biden and his policies generally, they also think that he’s compromised by China. News on that comes from a recent poll conducted by Trafalgar. What it found is that Americans are very concerned with Biden’s China ties and think he’s been compromised by that enemy nation.
For example, the poll at one point asked “How likely is it that President Biden is conflicted/compromised when dealing with China due to the Biden family’s personal business dealings in China?” A whopping 52.3% said it was very likely, with more than 11% saying it was somewhat likely. In fact, less than 30% of voters were willing to say that it was “very unlikely” our president was compromised by Red China!
Even more concerning for Biden was that when the question was posed only to Democrats, a shockingly large 23.7% thought that he was compromised, with just over 50% saying that it is very likely that he isn’t compromised by the Red Chinese!
The results are, obviously, worse when only Republicans or Independents are asked. Slightly under three quarters of Independents and over 85% of Republicans think that Biden is compromised.
Speaking as to why that might be, Mark Meckler, the president of Convention of States Action, said that the poll numbers, numbers shockingly bad for Biden, show that the U.S. voter base can “see through the smoke and mirrors” and that “They’re watching as the Biden administration’s policies benefit China more than our own country and conclude that the president is serving the interests of the Chinese Communist Party and must be compromised,”
Just the News, adding more details as to why the voter base might be suspicious of Biden, adds that:
Reporting by news outlets including The Washington Post show that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, negotiated at least one multi-million-dollar deal with a China company while Biden was vice president.
The deal was signed in 2017 and included the signature of Hunter Biden and a Gongwen Dong, an executive with CEFC China Energy.
Perhaps Biden and Hunter did nothing wrong and Americans shouldn’t be viewing them with concern, worried about what they might have been up to and how it will affect the average American or their decision-making process as the US continues its competition with China and the so-far peaceful battle for the Pacific escalates.
But, despite that possibility, Americans evidently think there’s something there; red, blue, or somewhere in between, Americans are worried about what’s going on with Biden and think that he’s been compromised. That thought, an impression likely formed because of the information that came out of the Hunter Biden laptop, seems like it will be very hard for Biden to shake.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics