Appearing together on an episode of “The Five”, Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld tore into Chris Wallace mercilessly for ditching Fox for CNN+, mocking his decision and the fact that he’ll likely be out of a job so soon after switching neworks.
Gutfeld started the merciless mocking, asking Tucker “Now that CNN+ is defunct, has Fox Nation considered rehiring Chris Wallace?”
Tucker, joining in and poking fun both at Wallace generally for his pretensions about who he interviews and for his current career failure, said “We could probably get him at a discount. And I’ve seen that he interviews a lot of very interesting people?”
But Tucker didn’t end it there. He went on and kept ripping Chris Wallace, saying:
“We had a meeting about him this morning in my office. I was like ‘No he just failed. One of my producers goes, ‘you know he’s Mike Wallace’s son?’ Done! He’s got to be good.”
Watch the duo rip Wallace here:
Funny stuff. And the two aren’t the only big-name conservatives to trash Chris Wallace over his current career crisis. Trump joined in as well, hilariously gloating about Wallace’s failure in a statement, saying:
“Congratulations to CNN+ on their decision to immediately FOLD for a lack of ratings, or viewers in any way, shape, or form.
“It was like an empty desert out there despite spending hundreds of millions of dollars and the hiring of low-rated Chris Wallace, a man who tried so hard to be his father, Mike, but lacked the talent and whatever else is necessary to be a star.
“In any event, it’s just one more piece of CNN and Fake News that we don’t have to bother with anymore!”
And, besides the obvious humor and easy laughs in doing so, Tucker has good reason to mock Chris Wallace and CNN+ for their speedy failure. That’s because Wallace, shortly after leaving Fox for CNN+, largely blamed Tucker and his conservative content for his departure, saying:
“I’m fine with opinion: conservative opinion, liberal opinion. But when people start to question the truth — Who won the 2020 election? Was Jan. 6 an insurrection? — I found that unsustainable. I spent a lot of 2021 looking to see if there was a different place for me to do my job.”
Continuing on that anti-conservative bent, Wallace also said “Before, I found it was an environment in which I could do my job and feel good about my involvement at Fox. And since November of 2020, that just became unsustainable, increasingly unsustainable as time went on.”
Both of those comments were largely seen as attacks on Tucker given all he has done to expose the truth about January 6th, the 2020 election, and other issues that the left demands must not be discussed.
So, Wallace, mad that Tucker was pushing such content left. And whereas Tucker is doing better than ever, Wallace and his new network crashed and burned within a month. Vindication must be more than a bit sweet for Tucker and his team, making the jokes about Wallace all the funnier.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics