Former President Donald Trump didn’t just rip into the left and highlight the Senate campaign of JD Vance, a candidate that he has tossed his support behind recently, during his Ohio rally on Saturday, April 23rd. He also played a trailer for “2000 Mules,” a documentary produced by Dinesh D’Souza about what went on during the 2020 election.
The documentary, the result of a years-long investigation into the 2020 election conducted by a group called True the Vote, purportedly reveals the ballot trafficking and harvesting network that swung votes across several swing states, using ballot dropboxes and vote harvesting to tilt the election in their candidate’s favor. It uses security camera footage to do so.
As that topic is still very much in Trump’s wheelhouse, he used the Ohio rally as an opportunity to hype the trailer and documentary. Neon Nettle, reporting on the trailer, notes that:
The trailer opens with a panel of Salem Radio Network hosts split on what happened in the 2020 election.
Salem Media Group worked with D’Souza and True The Vote on the film, and the panel—which includes Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk and radio hosts Dennis Prager, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, and Dr. Sebastian Gorka—opens with them discussing how they, before viewing this evidence, were not sure what exactly happened in the 2020 election and were awaiting more evidence.
An effective beginning, as it shows that not everyone associated with the project was “all in” on Trump’s cries of voter fraud and rather were wanting to see actual evidence one way or another rather than just the opinions of anonymous accounts on Twitter and obviously biased and less than honest political operatives.
The trailer then begins to hint at the sort of information that will be released in the documentary, such as the number of mules and drop boxes involved in the whole operation from city to city. For example, at one point Greg Phillips, who the documentary describes as having “a deep background in election intelligence,” says:
“We identified in Atlanta 242 mules that went to an average of 24 drop boxes. In Philadelphia alone, we’ve identified more than 1,100 mules.”
At another point, Phillips, after being asked by Dinesh what proof they have of their massive claims, says that True the Vote collected and used “four million minutes of surveillance video around the country” to determine what happened during the election.
But what Trump played was just a taste, a tantalizing hint, of what the full documentary could reveal. if that’s what they put in the trailer, just imagine what’s yet to come in the full thing!
Breitbart, reporting on when the full release will happen, notes that:
Upcoming on May 4, Trump will host a premiere at his luxurious Palm Beach resort Mar-a-Lago in south Florida. Also, on May 7, there will be a virtual premiere where up to a quarter million can purchase tickets to watch across the country. The film will hit select theaters on May 2 and more information on it is available 2000mules.com or TrueTheVote.org.
Watch the trailer here:
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics