According to leftist actor Rob Reiner, if you vote for the Republican candidate in November, you’re not voting for anything good. You’re not voting for lower taxes, a rejection of cultural suicide, keeping groomers out of schools, keeping down inflation, or rebuilding American strength and reestablishing our image abroad.
Nope, according to Reiner, who appeared on MSNBC’s “The Sunday Show” to trash the GOP and tear into his political enemies in a completely unfair way, the actor, director, and far-left activist said that you’re actually “voting for autocracy.”
Reiner began by framing the issue in a ridiculous way, presenting the American political issue as a fight between autocracy on the right and democracy on the left, something that ignores the left’s demands for censorship and crackdown on anyone who dissents with the “current thing” narrative. Further, he bizarrely suggested that the American political squabble is the reason for Putin’s invasion, ignoring that it was Biden that Putin invaded under. In Reiner’s words:
“First off, all let’s dispense with the idea of Republican a Democrat, or conservative and liberal. We are talking about democracy versus autocracy. We see it happening all over the world. That’s one of the reasons Putin invaded [redacted]. He is wanting to destroy democracy.”
Not content to end his ridiculous monologue there, he then expanded from the American political scene to the French one, where nationalist Marine Le Pen has a fighting chance against the globalist, elitist Macron, something that Reiner was quite unhappy with:
“We have an election right now in France between Macron and Marine Le Pen, and we don’t know the results yet there, but that is also a test as to whether or not democracy or autocracy will survive in the world.”
Returning from France and its fight between nationalism and globalism to the bad orange man at home, Reinier then baselessly accused Trump of leading an insurrection, saying:
“So, you have a man, former president of the United States, who led and incited a deadly insurrection to overthrow the United States government. He now is in control of one of the parties in this country.”
That last line was, amazingly, one of the few things that Reiner got right in his hate-filled monologue. Trump is in control of the GOP, thank goodness; the MAGA crowd has largely succeeded in pushing the RINOs out of everything but leadership.
But still Reiner wasn’t done. He went on to continue attacking Trump and then finally got to his most ridiculous line of all, which is that siding with Trump and the GOP is siding with “autocracy”. In his words:
“He controls every aspect of what he would now call the Republican Party. I don’t know what it is. This is an autocratic movement. So, if you’re voting for Republicans, you’re not voting for Republicans. You’re voting for autocracy. You’re voting for the man who tried to overthrow the government. So, that is what is at stake here. It’s much more than am I voting for a Republican or a Democrat.”
As Trump might say: “WRONG!”
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics