In March, at a campaign fundraiser, Alabama Republican Congressman Mo Brooks was filmed and confirmed what many voters have suspected for years—money runs congress. Brooks is running for the Republican nomination for the senate seat being vacated by retiring Richard Shelby. The Alabama Senate primary is May 24 and polling has Brooks in third.
Here are the most substantial Mo Brooks quotes from the video.
- “Special interest groups run Washington.”
- “In the House of Representatives (I’ll use that as an example because that’s where I work), if you want to be a chairman of a major committee, you have to purchase it, and the purchase price for a major committee (say, like Ways and Means) minimum bid is a million dollars.”
- “We have committees broken down by A group, B group, and C group. C are the cheapest, B are middling, A is the most expensive. It’s the most expensive because those are the committees that special interest groups care the most about.”
- “So, where does a congressman come up with a million dollars to be chairman of one of these A committees? You can’t get it from Joe and Jane Citizen because Joe and Jane Citizen back home, they’re not going to be contributing that kind of money. They don’t have it—they need that money for their own families.”
- “And, so, you have to get it from the special interest groups, and with the special interest groups, there is a quid pro quo. If you don’t do what they tell you to do, they won’t give you the money that finances your chairmanship.”
Below is the Twitter feed of Mo Brooks’ comments:
NEW: GOP Rep Mo Brooks says prime committee chairmanships cost a minimum of $1 million and are paid by special interest groups as “a quid pro quo” for favored legislation#ALsen pic.twitter.com/SswSObhpf7
— Lauren Windsor (@lawindsor) April 15, 2022
Article reprinted with permission from Right Wire Report. Article by Bascott O’Connor.
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