Things might be getting bad in the world food markets. How bad? Bad enough that oya Foods CEO Bob Unanue, a straight shooter who showed himself willing to speak the truth during the Trump Administration, appeared on Fox Business’s “Mornings with Maria” to discuss what he sees as a coming “global food crisis.”
Watch him here:
.@GoyaFoods CEO: “We are on the precipice of a global food crisis.”@MariaBartiromo @FoxBusiness pic.twitter.com/knIekz8sYO
— Mornings with Maria (@MorningsMaria) April 26, 2022
As you can hear in the clip, Unanue was asked by host Maria Bartiromo “Assess the situation. How do you see inflation today?”
Responding, rather than give the typical, oft-heard statement about how terrible the 8% Bidenflation we’re currently seeing is, Unanue sounded off on a much bigger issue: a coming food crisis.
Speaking on that and sounding the alarm bells with all due vigor, Unanue blamed the Russians for their brutal manner of method war creating a food crisis and said, as Breitbart reports:
We are on the precipice of a global food crisis. God created humanity, humanity has created every way to destroy itself, from nuclear, biological, and chemical. … But now, we’ve weaponized food. Between [redacted] and Russia, they represent 50 percent of the world’s production of fertilizer, 30 percent wheat, 20 percent corn … other foods and minerals. … Russia, they’re also cutting off [redacted] to the sea. … If they cut off Odessa, then they basically landlock the [redacted] and they can’t export–they can’t even plant.
[…]Let me say that we have in a way, provoked this war by showing an incredible weakness around the globe and a lack of resolve to protect women, children, and the innocent. It started in Afghanistan.
Fox Business, adding more context to Unanue’s point about the upcoming global food crisis, noted that food prices are already shooting up in price, saying:
Food prices have also climbed 8.8% higher over the year and 1% over the month, with the largest increases in cereal and bakery products (10%), poultry, fish and meat (13.8%), fresh fruits and vegetables (8.1%), and eggs (11.2%).
Further, Fox notes the Russians and their opponents both account for major percentages of world food supplies, saying they account “for around 29% of global wheat exports, 19% of global corn supplies, and 80% of the world’s sunflower oil exports.” If those percentages are kept from the market, as the combat means they very well could be, that would be a massive shock to the food system.
Where the world goes from here is the big question. If the war calms down and the West and Russia reach some sort of detente that provides for the export of crucial fuel, food, and fertilizer supplies from Russia, then perhaps disaster can be averted.
If not, then Unanue likely has a very valid point: the Middle East and Africa rely on grain imports and even America’s fertile farmland uses fertilizers that the Russkies and their allies produce. Such a perfect storm, particularly paired with the avian flu in America and the food situation in China, could be the perfect storm that leads to a major food crisis.
Food inflation is bad, as it hits everyone in the pocketbook and makes one of life’s basic necessities even more expensive. But a food crisis would be far, far worse.
Such a crisis could lead to not just economic pain, but, if history is to repeat or rhyme, perhaps even revolution.
By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of GenZConservative.com. Follow me on Parler and Gettr.
This story syndicated with permission from Will, Author at Trending Politics