In light of the dramatic far-left agenda being advanced in the United States, an undercurrent of frustration is now manifesting out in the open.
Former President Donald J. Trump established the Trump Media & Technology Group. As part of their business model they just completed the BETA testing of a social media platform APP, Truth Social.
Elon Musk just received approval from the Twitter board allowing him to purchase the company, with his plans to make it privately owned, no longer publically traded.
Both Trump and Musk have expressed their frustration with the suppression of speech by big tech giants in Silicon Valley, which compelled them to take on both of these expensive and labor-intensive projects.
Now, the former president’s son, Donald Trump Jr. is set to launch a new gun rights organization to use as a weapon against the attempt by Democrats to crack down on America’s Second Amendment rights.
Called “The Second Amendment Task Force, it is the first advocacy group that Trump has launched and been directly involved with,” Fox News reported. “The group plans to make a push in the upcoming midterm elections this year, especially in the voter registration sphere.”
The group says it will fight against Biden administration nominees and Democrat legislative initiatives that could impinge on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
Trump Jr. was one of several high-profile Republicans who rallied opposition to David Chipman, President Biden’s controversial – and unsuccessful – nominee to lead the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). He credited that battle for inspiring his decision to launch the group.
Trump Jr. told The Daily Wire that the group is focused on protecting Americans’ rights to defend themselves and that he’s been encouraged to see people arm themselves who live in Democrat-controlled cities that are plagued with violence.
“We’re seeing record numbers of people — minorities, women, people from all walks of life — lawfully arming themselves, especially in Democrat-controlled cities where violence and crime is out of control,” Trump Jr. said. “We’ve got to make sure every American citizen maintains their God-given, constitutionally protected right to defend themselves and their family. That’s what the Second Amendment Task Force is all about.”
Trump Jr., who will serve as chairman of the Second Amendment Task Force, said in a separate statement to Fox that the Second Amendment was “the whole ballgame, it’s the freedom that protects all of our other freedoms.”
“Unfortunately, the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress are hellbent on eroding our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, whether it’s nominating radical gun-grabbers to senior positions in the executive branch or pushing anti-gun legislation,” Trump Jr. said. “The Second Amendment Task Force is entirely devoted to ensuring the Left is never successful in disarming American citizens.”
“The idea for the group came from our successful effort to stop a radical anti-gun lobbyist from becoming the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF),” Trump Jr. said in reference to David Chipman. “We had to make sure that the American people knew what was going on, especially with Red State Democrats. If they’re considering casting an anti-Second Amendment vote, we’re going to make sure they feel the pain. This new group will help us put more structure and resources around those efforts to make sure we’re as successful as we can be.”
By: Eric Thompson, editor of EricThompsonShow.com. Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook
This story syndicated with permission from Eric Thompson, Author at Trending Politics